Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th February 1992-Yorkshire-Bolton Abbey
Our next walk is on Sunday, February 16th 1992. It is also the occasion of the annual Hot-Pot. The walks are in the Bolton Abbey area of Yorkshire, a very beautiful place but one that is very exposed in inclement weather. Boots are essential as are warm clothing and good waterproofs. We leave school at 8.00 a.m. prompt and expect to be back by 7.30 p.m. The cost of the coach continues to be £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for under 18's. Students (not working) up to 21 yrs. go for £2.00. The Hot-Pot meal will cost £4.00 per head (exclusive of coffee or tea), these drinks are available on request but must be paid for when ordering at the hotel. To contain the costs of the meal the committee have agreed a subsidy will be met from club funds thus the cost of only £4.00. Will members please indicate below on the return slip their choice of meal. We would ask you to adhere to that selection on the day as meals are ordered in advance. The meal is at the same hotel as last year in Ribchester. Numbers are restricted so, given the popularity of the club walks, it will be necessary to limit the numbers to the first 100 bookings, please return your slip quickly. Cheques only are now requested as mode of payment.

'A' Walk
An easy 'A' walk designed to give us an appetite for the meal. Good views of Wharfedale with historic sites thrown in as a bonus. We start at Burnsall and go round Kail Hill before crossing Appletree Wick Pasture. We then descent to Trollers Gill, pass Parceval Hall before ascending to Simons Seat (1550').After lunch we cross Barden Fell, descend through the Valley of Desolation, (a most inapt name) to the River Wharfe, which we then follow for a short distance to Bolton Abbey.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Gordon Spence and Meirion Williams

'B'+ Walk
The walk starts at Bolton Abbey and proceeds via the banks of the River Wharfe and the Valley of Desolation and Barden Fell to Simons Seat (1550'). We then descend via Dalehead and Howgill to the River Wharfe and proceed from there to Bolton Abbey.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Rick Tynan and Keith Ellard

'B' Walk
Starting at Bolton Abbey the walk takes us up the Valley of Desolation and across Barden Fell to Simons Seat (1550'). Turning South-west across open fell we descend to the River Wharfe via Howgill where we join the Dales Way which we then follow by the river bank back to Bolton Abbey.

Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: David Griffiths and Ken Lamb

'C' Walk
Starts at Bolton Abbey and crosses the Wharfe to follow a winding trail through Strid Wood to rejoin the river at a point where it plunges through the Strid Gorge. We then continue to follow the river upstream before crossing it at Barden Bridge. The return journey follows the Dales Way and river bank back to Bolton Abbey.

Distance: 6 miles
Ascent: nil.
Leaders: Jan Yabsley and Pat Gibson