Range Walking Club
Christmas Walk Friday 27th December 1991-North Wales-Loggerheads

Once again we are able to offer the sober and sane amongst members a pleasant relief from Christmas chores(?). No washing up or meal preparation for one whole meal, what a blessing, and fresh air to clear any lingering hangovers. The walk this year is based on Loggerheads Country Park, near Mold in North Wales. The car park at this 'centre' is approximately 30 miles from Formby and affords an opportunity of enjoying beautiful countryside with lunch possible at a very pleasant inn. As usual just one walk is planned, although for the energetic an option of climbing Moel Fammau is available, whilst most of us will wander round its base to meet the fanatics on the other side of the mountain. From the reunion point at Moel Fammau Country Park car park we wander round the flank of Fron Hen to the Druid Inn at Llanferris. After lunching here we follow field paths via Pentre-Cerrig back to Loggerheads Country Park car park.

The start will be 10.00 a.m. prompt at Loggerheads and return back to Loggerheads by 15.30 hrs-1600 hrs. Road time from Formby should be l hour 15 mins. approx., therefore recommended departure time from Formby is 8.30 a.m.

Direct route is via the new tunnel onto M53 and thence to Junction 5 and onto A41. Take the A550 to Queensferry By-pass and join the A55. Take the A494 to and through Mold to Loggerheads Country Park car park which is approx. 2½ miles south-west of Mold on the right hand side of the road.

Lunch can be made available for 40 people at the Druid Inn, so first come first booked. This does not mean that we are restricted to 40 on the walk, and hospitality without partaking of a meal is still available for any wishing to join our walk and bring own sandwiches. Choice of menu is of necessity restricted to the undernoted and meals must be paid for at the time of booking on the return form below. Cheques are requested.

Distance: 7½ miles (if path followed without staggering or choice(?) of individual.)
The Leaders will be Phil Morgan supported (!) by Dave Luty and ably assisted by Ian Gilmour.