Range Walking Club
Sunday 12th April 1992-Cumbria-Dentdale
Our next walk takes us to part of England not previously explored by the club. On Sunday April 12th, we are going to one of the most beautiful areas east of the M6, Dentdale. It must be attractive to be the home of Mike Harding, ex-President of Ramblers Association, who extols its virtues accordingly. All walks start and finish in the village of Dent where there are toilets and cafes, thus no stop on the motorway on either outward/homebound journeys. The coach will leave school promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we hope to be back at 7.30 p.m. The cost remains at £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children in full time education. Please indicate which walk you are likely to join and return the slip with cheque to Barbara Craine, school office by Thursday, 2nd April, 1992.

'A' Walk
Starting at Dent we climb steadily via the Craven Road path to Whernside Tarns before ascending the ridge to Whernside summit (2419'). On a good day extensive views of the Howgills, Lake District and Yorkshire Dales can be seen. We then descend the western flank before ascending via High Pike to the ridge of Great Coum (2250') and on via the 'Megger Stones' to Dent.

Distance: 13½ miles
Ascent: 2700'
Leaders: K Bryning and A.N. Other

'B'+ Walk
We leave Dent by a pleasant river path and eventually join the Craven Way, which is an old 'drovers' road around Whernside. There is a steady climb and plenty of views, but the path does not take us to the summit. On reaching the famous Settle-Carlisle railway line we follow the course of the Blea Moor Tunnel (above it!) The Dales Way is joined nearby and we follow its course and some minor roads back to Dent. A picturesque walk, but fairly strenuous if conditions turn out to be wet.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1700'
Leaders: Glenys Poole and Dave Purdy

'B' Walk
The walk commences at Dent with a climb past several waterfalls in a SSW direction to the Green Lane which is followed for the next 4 miles to High Moss. Although the track provides extensive views across Dentdale it is far from green and on the planning walk was muddy making boots essential. Reaching the end of the Green Lane we turn North with a short steep grassy descent to Mire Garth followed by a field walk involving the fording of several becks before picking up the Dales Way at Mill Bridge for the walk back into Dent.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Peter Kenna and Derek Watchorn

'C' Walk
Energetic low level walk along Dentdale but at an acceptable rate. Starting at Dent and progressing along side of valley to Cowgill at the head of the Dale. Return is alongside the River Dee. This walk afford pleasant views but does include quite a few stiles and affectionate sheep! It could be wet underfoot if preceded by rain.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 350'
Leaders: Mike Wood and Ray Webb