Range Walking Club
Sunday 23rd September 1990-North Lake District-Keswick
Our September walks will take place in the Thirlmere/Keswick region of the Lake District on Sunday, 23rd. All walks will finish at Keswick itself. The coach will leave school promptly at 8.00 a.m. and will be back in Formby at approximately 7.30 p.m. There will be a short toilet stop only on the outward journey, please assist by limiting this to 10 minutes and please refrain from browsing around the service station shop etc. The cost still remains excellent value at £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children and early booking is recommended as the expense of booking two coaches is not likely to be justified. Please indicate which walk you are likely to join and return the tear off slip below to Barbara Craine, school office with money by Thursday, 13th September 1990.

'A' walk
Starting from Wythburn, at the south end of Thirlmere, we make for West Head (318134) before climbing steeply to emerge above Nab Crags. Our route keeps above the Wythburn valley until the last minute when we head for Ullscarf. From here we trek northwards visiting High Tove, High Seat and Bleaberry Fell, before descending northwest to Walla Crag and thence to Keswick. Some of the cols on this walk can be boggy so please come prepared.

Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 3000'
Leaders: Garfield Southall and Ken Bryning

'B'+ walk
An easy and interesting walk for the start of the new season. We start at Wythburn at the south end of Thirlmere and move northwest to Harrop Tarn and Blea Tarn. After crossing Watendlath Fell we intend to stop for lunch at Watendlath itself (of Herries novels fame). Cups of tea and ice creams are available here. We then continue northwestwards along the river valley and through woods until we reach the shores of Derwentwater and hence to Keswick. The scenery is very varied and views can be spectacular.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1500'
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Glennis Poole

'B' walk
We start on the A591 near the ancient stone circle just southeast of Keswick. Passing through Rakefoot we climb to the top of Walla Crag from where superb views can be had. Walking south we descend to Ashness Bridge before climbing for a pleasant walk through Ashness Woodland and Mossmire Coppice. A fairly steep descent follows to High Lodore after which we skirt the southern edge of Derwentwater. Turning north we climb above the tree line and return to Keswick via the lower, slopes of Cat Bells, Hawes End and Portinscale.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1250'
Leaders: Derek Watchorn and Pete Kenna

'C' walk
Starts at Nest Brow, just short of Keswick on the A591. A short climb eastwards then allows us to drop into the delightful valley of St. Johns in the Vale. We then walk south as far as Legburthwaite. If weather and time allows we should be able to carry on southwards for refreshments at the Kings Head at Thirispot. We then return to the route following the footpath past Smaithwaite and Shoulthwaite and pick up the coach at Rough How Bridge. The coach then transports us to Keswick to take advantage of the facilities in this pleasant little town.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 500'
Leader: Chris Symes