Range Walking Club
Sunday 18th November 1990-Lake District-Langdales
No apologies for once more returning to one of the most beautiful parts of the Lake District where the autumn colours now add further pleasure. The walks take place in the Langdale area on Sunday, 18th November 1990. There are four walks, three finishing at Elterwater and one at the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel. Once again we remind members that the onset of autumn and winter brings variations in temperature, especially in hill country. Underfoot conditions necessitate walking boots and protective clothing (gloves, woolen hat and waterproof gear) are essential additions to your rucksack. Added protection can be given to the contents of your rucksack by first enclosing them in a large plastic dustbin liner with ample fold-over for wet weather. There will be a short toilet stop on the outward journey. We leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt and should be back there by 7.30 p.m. The cost is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children (under 18 yrs and still in full time education. Please indicate on the slip below which walk you are likely to join and return it with cash/cheque to Barbara Craine, school office, by Thursday, 8th November.

'A' walk
The walk starts at the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel and proceeds past Stool End Farm to the steepish climb of the shoulder north of Crinkle Ghyll to Crinkle Crags (859 metres). The final part of this ascent is on steep scree. From the Crags we follow the path to Red Tarn before climbing Pike O' Blisco (705m). From here we descend N.E. to the Wrynose Pass from where we ascend Side Pike on the way to the summit of Lingmoor Fell. Following old quarry roads we return to Elterwater. This is a hard demanding walk but given good conditions is extremely satisfying.

Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 4100'
Leaders: Ian Blackwell and Ian Mitchell

'B'+ walk
Starts at the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel and climbs by the side of Mill Beck to Stickle Tarn. From here we ascend to the col between Harrison Stickle and Pavey Ark prior to visiting the summit of the latter (2288'). We then move N.N.E. to the top of Sergeant Man (2403') from where we go north then east to Blea Rigg (1776'). If time allows we will continue on to Silver How (1292') prior to descending to finish at Elterwater. Views are superb all around in fine weather with glimpses of hidden tarns and lakes.

Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 2450'
Leaders: Arthur Jones and Patrick Ferguson

'B' walk
One of the good things about leading walks is that you are able to do them twice and this is one that is especially attractive. We start at Skelwith Bridge (344034) and head generally westward to Dale End (316038) via High Colwith, passing through undulating woodland, pasture and river side with additional bonus of a Possible waterfall or two. At Dale End we ascend onto Lingmoor Fell, a short sharp climb taken at a steady pace suitable to group members. Once on top we move onto Side Pike (290053) with superb views of the Langdale Valley and Fells. We then descend to New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel to finish. Time and energy permitting, there is an option for those who wish, to carry on along the Cumbria Way back to Elterwater (an extra two miles).

Distance: 6½ miles (extended to 8½ miles)
Ascent: 1650'
Leaders: Kate Croft and Phil Morgan

'C' walk
Commences with refreshment at. Skelwith Bridge coffee shop, then we proceed along river bank to view local force (waterfalls) before joining the Cumbria Way in a westerly direction. Easy walking with some minor ups and downs plus some fine views of Langdales and taking in Colwith Force. Near Stang End we head south uphill and over soft ground (The Dubs) thence through woods to Hodge Close. Impressive sights of quarry and lake before continuing via woodland and open ground to High Tilberthwaite. Following tracks we cross over the river at a ford and thus into Little Langdale and onto Wilson Place. We then make our way to Elterwater and the Britannia Inn!

Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: negligible
Leaders: Bob Hutt and Dave Griffiths