Range Walking Club
Sunday 19th May 1991-Lake District-Kendal
The next walks take place on Sunday, 19th May. They are in an area around Kendal and most of them cover ground not previously visited by the walking club. The coaches leave school at 8.00 a.m. and should be back by 7.00 p.m. The cost of the coach is as usual £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. There will be a toilet stop on the M6 en route. Please return slips to Barbara Craine in the school office by Thursday, 9th May, with cheque for payment.

'A' Walk
Includes six fell tops taken from Wainwright's 'Outlying Fells'. The walk starts from Hucks Bridge on the A6 north of Kendal and ascends gradually to High House Bank (1627') and continues to Robin Hood (1613'), Lords Seat (1719') Capple Barrow (1683'), Tidd Fell (1313') and Whiteside Pike (1302') during a ridge walk of some 10 miles. Like all good walks the scenery improves as we proceed. The walk then crosses the A6 to Selside and turns South onto field paths until it joins the River Mint at Didding Green. The route continues along the River Mint and River Eden until it reaches Kendal and the waiting coach.

Distance: 15½ miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leaders: Dave Luty and Gordon Spence

'B'+ Walk
A splendid ridge walk with good views across the Lakeland skyline, followed by a low level return and riverside walk to Kendal. Some road walking especially at the finish. Starting at Huck's Bridge on the A6 (552039) with a steep climb to Ashstead Fell (1524') we follow the undulating ridge South-east. over Mapin Crag and Castle Fell to Whinfell Beacon (1544'). Descending to the track serving the P0 repeater station, we follow the track South-west to Moorbank where we head for Patton Bridge and then South to The Dales Way. Here we head West to Garnett Folds before turning South to Meal Bank where we join and follow the River Mint Southwestward to Kendal.

Distance: 11 miles
Leaders: Merion Williams and Dave Griffiths

'B' Walk
A round walk that starts and finishes in Kendal. We start in the outskirts of Kendal near the shoe factory and walk along the banks of the River Kent to Sizergh Castle. We continue through farmland until we reach St. John's church. The walk continues along Scout Scar, Cunswick Scar from whence we return to Kendal via the golf course. Wainwright describes this as "a walk above others, a pleasure every step of the way".

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Keith Ellard and Valerie Ellard

'C' Walk
Sizergh Castle to Kendal. This walk is a shortened version of the 'B' walk. It starts at Sizergh Castle and continues to St. John's church where we stop for a few minutes. It continues along Scout Scar, where we have lunch, and Cunswick Scar before turning into Kendal via the golf course. The views in good weather, are superb. There are no pubs or cafes on the route but we should be able to get refreshments in Kendal.

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 900'
Leaders: Jan Yabsley and Pat Gibson