Range Walking Club
Sunday 17th March 1991-Yorkshire-Ingleton/Clapham
The next walk takes place on Sunday,17th March 1991 and is centred around the Yorkshire Peaks with walks starting and finishing at Ingleton and Clapham. Whilst Spring may be upon us the conditions, particularly those underfoot, may still resemble winter, therefore full weatherproof gear should be taken. We leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt and should be back by 7.00 p.m. The cost of the coach is as usual £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. There will be a toilet stop en route at Forton Service Station on the M6. Please return slips to Barbara Craine, in the School Office by Thursday, 7th March.

'A' Walk
Chasms, caves, waterfalls, peaks, pot-holes and a pub! Our feature packed walk starts in Clapdale Wood (15p entry fee), past Ingleborough Cave and through Trow Gill to Gaping Gill. A steep pull takes us onto Ingleborough (2373') with views from the lakes to the Pennines. We drop to the Inn at 743777 for a wee drop then via Chapel-le-dale and the path above Scales Moor 720773 to Scar End and South to our finish in Ingleton.

Distance: 15 miles
Ascent: 2500'
Leaders: Garfield Southall and Ken Bryning

'B'+ walk
A circular walk with a pick 'n mix' option starting and finishing at Clapham. From the car park we walk NE past Ingleborough Cave and Trow Gill then over Long Scar to Sulber Gate. Turning South through Thieves Moss we then walk down the East side of Crummock Dale to Wharfe where field paths and tracks lead back to Clapham via Austwick (possible pub?). To make the walk a reasonable length the party can choose 1 of 2 options.
a) at Trow Gill turn NW to Gaping Gill pot hole and return to the main route or
b) at Wharfe turn SE then S to Feizor then back through Austwick.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 1000' max
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Glennis Poole

'B' Walk
Starting at Ingleton we climb up Meal Bank, through Lenny Wood to Beezley Farm. The gradual climb continues onto Twistleton Scar End. We then proceed for three miles along the flank of Rigg Side and West Fell to Eller Beck where we descend to Chapel-le-Dale. We return to Ingleton via the route of the Roman Road for 3.5 miles.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 500'
Leaders: Pete Kenna and D Watchorn

'C' Walk
Commencing at the picturesque Yorkshire village of Clapham we follow the Ingleborough Nature Trail (15p entrance fee) beside the Lake and Clapham Beck to Ingleborough Cave. After Trow Gill we climb steadily but at a gentle pace to the high point of the day, Long Scar (1266'), where, weather permitting, we should be afforded scenic views of Ingleborough. Descending via Crummock Dale to Austwick we should find time for post-lunch refreshments in the local hostelry (if permitted!). We return to Clapham by means of the 'undulating' Thwaite Lane.

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 750'
Leaders: Chris Symes and Ray Webb