Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th June 1991-Derbyshire Peak District-Edale
The next outing of the club is on Sunday, June 16th and takes us to the Dark Peak area of the Peak National Park. Despite its title the area abounds with lovely and well known walks and some beautiful views. We leave school at 8.00 a.m. prompt and hope to be back in Formby at about 7.30 p.m. No toilet stop will be made on the outward journey as facilities exist at the start of each walk. The cost of the journey is the usual £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please return slips to Barbara Craine in the school office by Thursday 6th June 1991.

'A' Walk
A splendid walk across the Kinder Plateau, with a chance to dirty your boots in the Pennine Way peat! The walk starts at Hayfield on the A6 (Ref 037868). We walk up to and around the North side of the Kinder Reservoir, before following the Kinder river up a boulder strewn bed to the famous Kinder Downfall, where the river shoots over the plateau edge. Some scrambling is required to negotiate the side of the downfall! The river is followed via Kindergates, and then through the peat gruffs to Kinder Scout (2088'), the plateau summit. The route is then via Kinder Low (2078'), the edge path, and Woolpacks (an array of weathered rocks), before descending via Ringing Roger to Edale, start of the Pennine Way.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leaders: Garfield Southall and Ken Bryning

'B+' Walk
A ridge, a river bank, a Roman road and 'Ringing Roger' combine to make this a feature packed walk from start to finish. From Main Nick car park (G.R. 125834) we proceed NE via Mam Tor and Hollins Cross to Lose Hill. Turning SE we then descend to the banks of the River Noe which we follow north, before a short climb to the Roman road at 165868. Continuing NW, we pass an 18th century guide post and reach the open moor on Crookstone Hill and eventually the 'Edges Path' which takes us westwards around around the Kinder Plateau to meet the Pennine Way at the head of Grindsbrook Clough. The descent here is initially difficult, but improves into a well trodden path to the finish in Edale.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1500'
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Glenys Poole

'B' Walk
Starting from Main Nick car park (124832) we head south, past Windy Knoll for 1.75 miles before turning east to the head of Cave Dale. We descend past Peveril Castle to Castleton. The walk continues in a northerly direction through pleasant farmland to Lose Hill (153854) where we turn WSW to follow the ridge walk over Black Tor, Barker Bank and Hollins Cross before ascending Mam Tor. We descend to Edale via Harden Clough.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1400'
Leaders: Derek Watchorn and Pete Kenna

'C' Walk
After a steep but short climb to the summit of Mam Tor, we follow the ridge to Hollins Cross. Our initial exertions, given a clear day, being rewarded by fine views across the Vale of Edale to Kinder Scout, before we drop down into Castleton in good time for an early lunch. Leaving Castleton past the remains of Peveril Castle, we proceed through the gently ascending but rock strewn Cave Dale before circling back to the foot of Mam Tor via Windy Knoll. The last leg into Edale is all downhill.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leader: Ray Webb