Range Walking Club
Sunday 14th July 1991-Lake District-Ambleside
The next outing of the club is on Sunday, 14th July, and takes us to the Kirkstone Pass and Wansfell area of the Lake District. We leave school as usual promptly at 8.00 a.m. and should be back by 8.00 p.m. The cost of the coach is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. There will be a toilet stop at Burton Service Station on the M6 on the outward journey. All walks finish in Ambleside. Please return slip with cheque to Barbara Craine, School Office by Thursday, 4th July 1991.

'A' Walk
We start from Troutbeck Church alongside Hogg Gill ascending Park Fell to Thornthwaite Crag, a fairly strong descent and ascent to Stony Cove Pike via Threshthwaite Mouth then on to the Kirkstone Pass along St. Raven's Edge. Finishing the walk with the ascent of Wansfell Pike and down into Ambleside.

Distance: Approx 12 miles (It may be possible, on the day, to put on an 'A'+ walk if additional leaders are available.)
Ascent: 3,300'
Leaders: John Laking and Ian Blackwell

'B'+ Walk
We start on the A592 (414031) and proceed North up Hogg Gill on to Froswick (2359') and then North on to Threshwaite Mouth, Westward to Stoney Cove Pike and John Bells Banner and the Southwest to the Kirkstone Pass Inn. Pausing for breath!! we then cross the A592 and descend Southwest via Stock Ghyll to Ambleside.

Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 2600'
Leaders: Ian Gilmour and Dave Poole

'B' Walk
We start from the car park at Brotherswater with a gentle stroll through the oak wood along the edge of the lake, followed by a steady but long climb up to Scandale Pass then a short scramble up to High Bakestones with its stone pillar, a gentle stroll to link up to the Western half of Fairfield Horseshoe, down hill all the way from here, with panoramic views of Windermere, South Lakeland to Morecambe Bay, into Ambleside.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leaders: Bob Blackwell and David Wake

'C'+ Walk
More of an easy 'B' walk than a 'C' walk. A challenge for a summer's day at the end of our walking year! The pace will be very very slow to compensate. Starting from Waterhead we climb gradually on a firm metalled track to the view point at Jenkins Crag in Skelghyll Wood. The walking is then easy on good tracks to Troutbeck village. After lunch we climb at a very slow pace to the summit of Wansfell Pike (1581') for excellent views of many if the high Lakeland fells, with the full length of Windermere stretched out below. The slow descent into Ambleside is steepish, with a visit to the splendid Stockghyll Force en route. Walking boots are essential. Start and finish at Waterhead car park opposite Hayes Nursery 377038 where there are toilets.

Distance: 6 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: John McEvoy and Ken Parks