Range Walking Club
Sunday 20th January 1991-Cumbria-Arnside
Happy New Year to All. This month's walk on Sunday, 20th January, takes us to the picturesque area of Arnside on Morecambe Bay. Here we have walks which cover variable terrain as well as opportunities for bird watchers (twitchers), and views of the Lake District etc. All walks terminate at Arnside. The day provides good opportunities for members to try a walk which is a little longer than usual as no great heights are involved. Coach leaves school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt and we should be back in Formby before 7.00 p.m. The cost is £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please return slips to Barbara Craine in the school office by Thursday 10th January 1991.

'A' Walk
A leisurely walk which should appeal to many who do not normally go on such walks. Starting at Warton we ascend Warton crag (350') then walk along the road for a short distance, cross some low lying sand until we pick up the coastal path that takes us via Jenny Brown's Point to Silverdale. Here we stop for refreshments at the Silverdale Hotel. The walk then continues to Arnside, ending with a steep climb over Arnside Knott (500')

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Merion Williams and Dave Luty

'B'+ walk
A delightful winter's walk through a variety of differing landscapes. We start at Yealand Conyers and progress via Leighton Hall (a beautiful building which is open to the public in summer), Leighton Moss (an R.S.P.B. reserve) and Eaves Wood (National Trust) to Far Arnside. We continue along the coast to New Barns before turning uphill to Arnside Knott prior to the final descent into Arnside.

Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Valerie and Keith Ellard

'B' Walk
An interesting and varied walk along woodland and field paths with a coastal section at the end. The walk starts at the village of Beetham and leads Southwest to Whin Scar and Fairy Steps (don't get stuck). We then go Westwards to Hazel Slack and Black Dyke on the Outskirts of Arnside where, after going under the railway bridge we head South along the line before turning Westwards to Arnside Tower (remains of Pele tower). From here we climb to Arnside Knott (East to West) before descending to Far Arnside and the coastal path. We continue on this to Arnside.

Distance: 8 miles
Leaders: D Griffiths and Ken Lamb

'C' Walk
Starting from Arnside we walk along the beach to New Barns Bay where we turn inland through woods to Far Arnside. We continue through open country side to Silverdale where liquid refreshments may be obtained. Retracing our steps we return to Arnside Tower and, by skirting the Knott arrive back in Arnside for coffee/tea and cakes. The walk is varied in terrain and there are many birds in the area so bring your binoculars. The one climb will be taken at a slow pace. Boots are essential.

Distance: 7 miles
Leaders: Jan Yabsley and Janet Griffiths