Range Walking Club
Thursday 27th December 1990-Lancashire-Rivington
As usual at this time of the year there will be just one walk enabling all club members to meet and chat during our procession around a local beauty spot.
Rivington may be only 30 miles away but in a small area it encompasses many features of interest and beauty. We start from the Great Hall Barn (ample parking) and make, via Rivington Hall, for the terraced gardens with their shadows of yesteryear. The pace will be slow as we gradually reach Rivington Pike (1184') and have the whole of West Lancashire at our feet. From the Pike we descend to glance by Horwich and head for lunch at the Ridgeway Arms, east of Blackrod. We retrace our steps to the reservoir and then cling to the shore as we make for Liverpool Castle an impressive ruin. From there it is a short stroll to the cars.
Distance: 4 miles and 600' of ascent before lunch; 3 miles and flat after lunch.
Leader: Garfield Southall

The walk will start at 10 a.m. sharp and finish by 4.00 p.m. Meet 10.00 a.m. (prompt please) at Great House (also known as Bottom or Lower) Barn, Rivington (G.R. 628138). The most direct route is the M58 to Orrell, taking the A577 into Wigan Town Centre. Once under the railway bridge and just before the actual town centre follow BOLTON signs on the right. Watch out for the HORWICH signs. The Rugby League ground (floodlights can be clearly seen) should be on your left. This is the B5238 and is a straightforward run into Horwich. After passing over the A6 and under the M61, a mile or so further on you reach Horwich and the A673. LEVER PARK AVE. is only a matter of yards along the A673 and its entrance is flanked by two light coloured pillars. If you know the route it should take just under the hour; 60-75 minutes if you don't. Distance is 29 miles.

LUNCH, We have arranged for a 3 - course meal to be served at lunchtime for an inclusive cost of £3.00. - starting with soup and finishing with ice-cream.