Range Walking Club
Sunday 21st April 1991-Appleby-in-Westmoreland
The next walk takes place on Sunday, 21st April 1991, and is centred around Appleby-in-Westmoreland in the Eden Valley. It is likely to be muddy in places underfoot and the Pennines are very exposed so it is well to be prepared. We leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt and should be back by 8.00 p.m. The cost of the coach is as usual £4.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. There will be a toilet stop en route at Burton Service Station on the M6. Please return slips with cheque to Barbara Craine, School Office by Thursday, 11th April 1991.

'A' Walk
We start in the picturesque village of Dufton and climb steadily to the east of Dufton Pike before climbing more steeply up through the mine workings towards Great Rundale Tarn. We then follow Backstone Edge, where, given good weather, fine views of the Pennines and across to the Lakes can be enjoyed. Descending from Backstone Edge we arrive at the spectacular High Cup Nick. From there we head south and, contouring around Murton Pike, we reach Murton and then follow paths through fields and woods to Appleby.

Distance: 14½ miles
Ascent: 2400'
Leaders: Ian Blackwell and Ian Mitchell

'B'+ Walk
We start, like the 'A' walk, in Dufton, but follow the Pennine Way which climbs gently past Dod Hill and Peeping Hill to Narrow Gate. We pass Hannah's Well and Nickel Chair before reaching the spectacular High Cup Nick. We make our way to Appleby in the same way as the 'A' party, a route which involves no more than 100' of climb after lunch.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Arthur Jones and Phil Morgan

'B' Walk
This starts from Dufton village, and follows the Pennine Way in a northerly direction for about a mile and a half. We shall then turn Southeast, and, either climb fairly steeply over grassy terrain to the top of Dufton Pike (1600'), which offers superb views over the Vale of Eden to the Lake District, or walk round the Pike. The descent is steep but is followed by easy walking over fields, and then a track, to Keisley (712238). A short stretch of road follows, then fields to Brackenthwaite, woods to Shepherd's Cottage, more road, and fields, and we are back in Appleby.

Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 1200' including Dufton Pike (500' without Dufton Pike)
Leaders: John Hughes and Patrick Ferguson

'C' Walk
Commencing just outside the village of Bampton we follow Frith Lane track to Shepherds Cottage with Flakebridge Wood to our left. We then proceed Easterly gently uphill and over open grassland to the village of Murton, with views of the Northern Pennines beyond. Turning Southwest we continue by track and path through Langton and then on to Appleby for refreshments with distant views of Lakeland if the weather is kind.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 150'
Leaders: Bob Hutt and Dave Griffiths