Range Walking Club
Sunday 24th September 1989-North Lake District-Keswick
The first walks of the season, on Sunday 24th September, are in the Northern Lake District based on Keswick/Braithwaite. The coach will leave school promptly at 8.00 am. and we should be back by 7.45 pm. There will be a toilet stop at Burton services on the outward journey. All walks finish at Keswick where toilets and light refreshments are available. The cost remains at £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate which walk you are likely to join and return the tear off slip to Barbara Craine at the school office by Thursday, 14th September 1989.

'A' Walk
The Coldale Round. A rewarding walk along fine ridges. Starting from Braithwaite we ascend Grisedale Pike (2593'). Following the traverse and a bit of scrambling we ascend Hopegill Head (2525'). Then south to Coledale Hause and ascent to Eel Crag/Crag Hill (2753') completing the horseshoe via Sail, Outerside, Stile End and Barrow before the walk into Keswick.

Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 3500'
Leaders: Ian Blackwell and John Laking

'B'+ Walk
An opportunity for strong B walkers to do one of the Lakeland majors-Skiddaw (3054'). Starting from Great Crosthwaite just north of Keswick we ascend the gentle wooded slopes of Latrigg Fell before turning northwest onto the main ascent. The path is good but very steep at times. However, the reverse views over Derwentwater fully compensate. Passing to the east of Little Man we attain the summit ridge which runs for almost 5 mile at over 3000'. With luck we may see the Galloway Hills over the Solway Firth, the Isle of Man and the Pennines. The descent is steep to Carlside and we follow a good path to Millbeck, prior to a pleasant walk into Keswick.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 2850'
Leaders: David and Glenys Poole

'B' Walk

Starting from Braithwaite we climb slowly southwest over Barrow (1494) and Barrow Door, skirting south of Outerside to Long Comb where we turn east to follow the ridge over Scar Crags (2205'). Our descent continues along the ridge over Causey Pike (2035') to Stair from where we walk into Keswick.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1750'
Leaders: Ian Gilmour and Ken Parks

'C' Walk
Starting at Lakeside and finishing in Keswick we will have a delightful varied walk taking in the Castlerigg Stone Circle.

Distance: 6½ miles
Leaders: Robert and Joyce Blackwell