Range Walking Club
Sunday 19th November 1989-Trough of Bowland
For those who survived the recent 'gig' and those unable to attend, This months walks are in the quiet but beautiful Trough of Bowland area of Lancashire. The day is Sunday, 19th November, and we leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. and return to Formby at approximately 7.00 p.m. There will be a toilet stop on the outward journey. The cost is still £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please complete the slip attached, indicating which walk you are likely to join and return it to Barbara Craine, School office by Thursday, 9th November.

'A' Walk
This walk has sharp contrast between forested river valleys and stark open grouse moor, and abounds with wildlife, grouse, deer etc. Starting at Dunsop Bridge we follow the River Dunsop to Foot Holme, then via the western flank of Middle Knoll we descend into Whitendale. We follow the river to Brim Clough then climb to the Roman Road below Hard Hill Top. We then cross open moorland to Tower Hill (1784') where on a good day extensive views of the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales are possible. Heading South we pick up the ridge S.E. via Reeves Edge to Croasdale House and then to Slaidburn.

Distance: 14½ miles
Ascent: 1700'
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Garfield Southall

'B'+ Walk

A fairly gentle 'B'+ walk to be taken at a moderate pace. From Newton we walk N.W. to Gamble Hole Farm, then West via fields and farm tracks through Beatrix to cross River Dunsop just North of village. We then go to Hareden followed by an easy climb (1600') to the highest point of our walk. Crossing the Hodder at Burholme Bridge and return via Hodder Bank Fell with the final stroll via a pleasant river to Slaidburn.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1400'
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Ray Webb

'B' Walk
Leaving Slaidburn by way of the churchyard, we walk South through the grounds of Dunnow Hall and then climb gently through Easington and Smelfthwaites to Standridge Hill. Crossing Easington Fell we descend through Grindleton Fell Forest before turning North again through Lane Ends and Harrop on the way back to Slaidburn.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Peter Kenna and Chris Symes

'C' Walk
This is a varied walk with not much climbing along the foot of the fells from Slaidburn to Dunsop Bridge and then along the river to Newton where the coach will be waiting to take us back to the main picking up point at Slaidburn. Should time permit it may be possible for more energetic members to continue the riverside walk from Newton to Slaidburn, a further l.5 miles.

Distance 7½ miles
Leaders: Derek Watchorn and Glenys Poole