Range Walking Club
Sunday 13th May 1990-Lake District-Grasmere
The next walk takes us to Grasmere on Sunday, 13th May 1990. Lake District trips are always popular so early booking is recommended. We will leave school promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we should be back in Formby by 8.00 p.m. A brief toilet stop at Burton Services will be made on the outward journey. Three walks finish at Grasmere where refreshments etc. are available and one in Ambleside with similar facilities on offer. If the weather is good do not forget your camera as all walks provide ample views of Lake District lakes and fells. The cost of the coach is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the slip below which walk you are likely to join and return it with payment to Barbara Craine, School Office, by Thursday 3rd May 1990. Boots are essential for all walks and those going on A, B or B+ walks should remember fell top temperatures are often considerably lower than sea level and wear or carry adequate warm clothing and waterproofs.

'A' Walk-an invitation to a panoramic vista of Lakeland.
Views of fells from Skiddaw to Coniston and Helvellyn to Scafells are yours given good weather. We start at Grasmere and climb gradually to Easedale Tarn. An increase in effort takes us to the top of Tarn Crag (1801') We then move West to Sergeant Man (2414') before turning North to ascend High Raise (2500'), acknowledged as the centre fell of the Lake District. We then turn Northeast. and crossing Green Up Edge rise up to Calf Crag (1762') where a choice awaits members, they either go via Steel Fell to Grasmere or can return the Wainwright route via Gibson Knott and Helm Crag.

Distance: 12 miles (Steel Fell) 11½ miles (Helm Crag)
Ascent: 2990'
Leaders: Dave Luty and John Yabsley

'B'+ Walk
The walk combines a number of 'Wainwrights'. The initial ascent is of Silver How from Grasmere. This is followed by a ridge walk to Red Bank during which there are continuous views of the Langdales. From Red Bank we climb Loughrigg Fell, walk along the top to Fox Gill and descend to Rydal. We conclude with a low level walk back to Grasmere via Dove Cottage. An attractive walk with many splendid views of mountains and lakes.

Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 2450'
Leaders: Keith and Val Ellard

'B' Walk
A splendid scenic walk combining a high level ridge walk (part of the Fairfield Horseshoe) and a low level return to Grasmere. The walk starts at Rydal and ascends Nab Scar (1200'ascent) which is steep in its middle reaches. This will be taken at an easy pace. We then head Northwards to Heron Pike, on to Great Rigg and finally Fairfield (2850'). We then turn Westwards and make a steep descent (900') to Grisedale Tarn and then, turning South, make our way along Tongue Gill to eventually join the main road at Mill. Bridge Inn and hence to Grasmere by road. The section from Nab Scar to Fairfield is very exposed to the weather and boots and adequate waterproof clothing are essential.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 2800'
Leaders: David and Janet Griffiths

'C' Walk
This must qualify as one of Lakelands best walks - taking in lakes, woodlands, riverside, fellside (lower slopes), caves, a town and a village. Starting in the village of Grasmere (try some of the home made gingerbread and fudge from shop near the church) - we take the Western shore of Grasmere down to its South bank (under Loughrigg Terrace). We pass through woodland and pasture, making our way to the South side of Rydal Water, slowly climbing to the slate caves. We then drop into Rydal where there is a possible pub stop. The walk continues via flat country lanes to end in the town of Ambleside.

Distance: 6 miles
Ascent: 600'
Leader: Jan Yabsley