Range Walking Club
Sunday 21st January 1990-Cheshire/Shropshire-Whitchurch
Welcome friends to the next decade, in more than one way, of the FRHSA Walking Club. We hope you have a very Happy New Year and trust you are all ready for the next series of walks. As a gentle reintroduction after all the feasting and festivities. our next walk, on Sunday, 21st January, takes us to the South Cheshire/North Shropshire area of the country. Most of the walks are through gently undulating farm land and beautiful villages with meres dotted here and there as additional pleasures. We leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt and hope to be back at 6.30 p.m. A toilet stop is available on the outward route and at Whitchurch, where Cafe facilities are available at the finish of the walk. The cost remains at £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please complete the attached slip, indicating which walk you are likely to join, and return it to Barbara Craine, School Office, by Thursday, 11th January 1990. It is recommended that boots are the order of the day as wet underfoot conditions may prevail.

'A' Walk

Starts at No Mans Heath on the A41 and follows the Sandstone Trail southwards to Willeymoor Lock. We then take the canal towpath to Steer Bridge then cross pastureland through Norbury, rejoining the canal path to Wrenbury for lunch. From here we then turn southwest and follow the South Cheshire way through Marbury via 'Big Mere' and then south to Alport and thus into Whitchurch.

Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: Minimal
Leaders: Merion Williams and Dave Luty

'B' Walk
A pleasant walk through the rolling Cheshire countryside. Starting at Grindley Brook we follow the South Cheshire Way through Wirswall to Marbury. This is a lovely village in an attractive setting. The walk continues via the Shropshire Union Canal bank to Wrenbury (another beautiful village with green). After a short stop we rejoin the South Cheshire Way and return to Marbury. There is, for those so wishing, an opportunity to extend this walk to Whitchurch via field paths. Thus making a B+ walk.

Distance: 'B' walk 10 miles, 'B+' walk 12½ miles.
Ascent: Negligible.
Leaders: John Yabsley and Keith Ellard

'C' Walk
An easy pleasant walk through the undulating South Cheshire countryside just North of Whitchurch. The walk starts at Grindley Brook (G.R. 551432 pathfinder Series 807, sheet SJ44/54), 1½ miles Northwest of Whitchurch on the A41. We proceed Northeast along the towpath of the Shropshire Union Canal, passing under the A49 and heading eastwards to Church Bridge Lock (562465) just North of the village of Marbury. From here we make our way south-eastwards across fields (muddy) to a country road and hence into Marbury. This will probably be the lunch stop, with seats around a tree on the green and a pub just opposite (real fires). After lunch we head generally southwards, following part of the South Cheshire Way, skirting 'Big Mere' to eventually join the Terrick Road at 'The Mount'. From here we follow the road into Whitchurch and to the car park.

Distance: 7¾ miles
Ascent: 150'
Leaders: David and Janet Griffiths