Range Walking Club
Sunday 11th February 1990-Bradford-Haworth
The trip this month takes place on Sunday, 11th February 1990, and incorporates our traditional annual Hot-pot supper at the end of the day. Our walks are all in country made famous by the novels of the Bronte sisters and indeed, our supper is to be held at the White Lion in Haworth, a village steeped in Bronte history, and the walks also feature aspects of these historical connections. We think the day will prove stimulating in more than one way and early reservation is recommended. We leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt and expect to be back by 8.00 p.m. Coach prices continue to be £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children.

Choice of meals
Bronte Hot-Pot
Steak Pie
All at £3.00 per head inclusive of tea or coffee. (Desserts of ice cream or fruit pie are also available at additional cost.)

Will members please indicate below which walk they are likely to join and also choice of main meal enclosing the £3.00 charge. It would be appreciated if choice of meal is strictly adhered to on the day as the set numbers will have been pre-ordered, so please remember what you asked for. It must be drawn to the attention of members that at this time of year underfoot conditions can be very wet and muddy and weather conditions inclement. Therefore, adequate waterproofs and warm clothing are a must, and strong walking boots or shoes are essential for 'A' and 'B' walks and strongly recommended for 'C' walks.

'A' Walk
From Hebden Bridge we walk North along Hebden Water turning West at New Bridge (989292) towards Gibsons Mill and Hardcastle Crags within beautiful National Trust woodland. At 973310 we climb to Walshaw and then via stark moorland to Walshaw Dean Middle Reservoir. We then take the Pennine Way to 'Wuthering Heights'. We head for the Bronte Falls and climb their right side which ends with a short scramble before making for Harbour Lodge. Farm roads take us to the Penistone Hill Country Park and the final descent into Haworth time for shopping before supper.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1700'
Leaders: Garfield Southall and Ken Bryning

'B'+ Walk
This walk starts at Pecket Mill just North of Hebden Bridge and proceeds Westwards through Hebden Dale to join the Pennine Way, which we then follow Northeastwards as far as the ruined Top Withins farm (Wuthering Heights). From this point we turn East on well defined paths via Bronte Waterfalls into Haworth.

Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Dave Purdy and Peter Kenna

'B' Walk
Alighting from the coach just North of Hebden Bridge, we descend into, and then follow, the wooded valley which takes us North to Lumb Hole Waterfall. We then follow the 'Old Road' over Stairs Hill, rounding Leeshaw Reservoir and approaching Haworth through Penistone Hill Country Park. A comfortable varied walk, which if the conditions and time allow, could be extended on the day.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Glenys Poole and Chris Symes

'C' Walk
The walk commences at Haworth Church and follows the Bronte Way to Penistone Hill and then contours around Earnshaw Knoll and follows the beck to Bronte Bridge. Due to damage to the bridge we may have to ford the beck before climbing the opposite side of the valley and joining the Pennine Way to Top Withins, thought to have provided the inspiration for Wuthering Heights. The return to Haworth is via the Pennine Way to Poden Clough and then into Stanbury (Pubs close at 2.00 p.m.) following the river from Lumb Foot.

Distance: 7 miles
Leader: Derek Watchorn