Range Walking Club
Sunday 8th April 1990-The Peak District-Teggs Nose
Our walks on Sunday, 8th April take us to The Roaches and surrounding hills which are in the Peak District area. The countryside offers fine variety in landscape from picturesque woodland to rugged moorland. The coach will leave school at 8.00 a.m. prompt and we aim to return by 8.00 p.m. There will be a short convenience stop on the outward journey at Knutsford Services. The cost of the coach remains at £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the slip below which walk you are likely to join and return it with payment to Barbara Craine, School Office, by Thursday, 29th March 1990. Boots and warm waterproof clothing are considered essential as all walks cross open moorland and even in April can be subject to cold winds. All parties will finish walks at Tegg's Nose Country Park where toilet facilities will be available.

'A' Walk
Starts at the village of Upper Hulme approx. 4 miles Northeast of Leek on the A53. After a short walk along country lanes we climb to attain the ridge of The Roaches, the entire length of which is followed Northwest to Lud's Church (987656). From here we proceed Northeast past the Youth Hostel at Gradbach and follow the river to Three Shires Head (Junction of Derbyshire, Cheshire and Staffordshire). We then cross open moorland to the Cat and Fiddle Pass before climbing Shining Tor-559 metres (994738). Our route descends Northwest to Lamaload Reservoir before turning Southwest to cross pleasant fields to Tegg's Nose Country Park.

Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leaders: Patrick Ferguson, Ian Mitchell and Tom Dillon

'B'+ Walk
Follows same route as the 'A' walk as far as Lud's Church. From there the route follows the river Westwards to Danebridge. We then turn Northeast along country lanes and across field to pick up the Gritstone Trail (as for 'B' walk) which is followed to Tegg's Nose Country Park.

Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 1800'
Leaders: Arthur Jones and John Hughes

'B' Walk (Maps: White Peak 1:25000 or Sheet 118 1:50000)
Starts on the A523 North of Rushton Spencer and follows the Gritstone Trail over fields then along a canal bank, crossing the River Dane at Barleyford. We continue North with woods on the left and a view of The Roaches to the right. Climbing gradually to the top of Wincle Minn (1260') we then descend to cross the A54 followed by a slightly steeper ascent to the British Telecom mast at 1324' (934676). There are good views all around from here and along the ridge Northwards to Foxbank (938697). Footpaths take us to Bottoms Reservoir and the final climb to Tegg's Nose car park.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1400'
Leader: David Guiver

'C' Walk
This is a delightful walk with some climbing to do at the beginning and end but will be done at a very gentle pace, no greater than traffic in and out of Formby at rush hour! It starts at Bosley Reservoir and we climb up to Sutton Common on Croker Hill -660'. Watch out for rabbits, wild deer and horses (tame). From Croker Hill we take the same route as the 'B' party via the Gritstone Trail to Tegg's Nose. The ascent towards the end at Teggs Nose is some 500' but with time to stop and admire the views.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leader: Phil Morgan