Range Walking Club
Sunday 25th September 1988-North Lake District-Borrowdale
The venue for our walks on Sunday, 25th September, is Borrowdale in Lakeland. There are 4 walks to choose from. The coach will leave promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we should be back in Formby by 8.00 p.m. There will be a toilet stop at Tebay Services on the outward journey. All walks finish at Seatoller where toilets are available, The cost remains at £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate which walk you are likely to join and return the tear off slip to the school office by Thursday, 15th September.

'A' Walk
Leaving Seatoller car park (245137) we walk Southwesterly for a mile before climbing Base Brown (2120'), Green Gable (2527') and Great Gable (2949'). From the summit of Great Gable we will descend to walk part of the South Traverse-Gable Girdle-before going to Styhead and on to Sprinkling Tarn. Good conditions and a strong party may enable the group to ascend Allen Crags (2572') and Glaramara (2560') returning to Seatoller by the 'A'- route in reverse.

Maximum Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 4350'
Leaders: John Laking and Ian Blackwell

'A'- Walk
Will start from Seatoller car park and following the path Southwards beside Comb Gill will climb over Thornythwaite Fell to the summit of Glaramara (2560'). This is a very attractive and gradual ascent, initially beside woodland, with opportunity to enjoy the excellent view that develops behind. Views from the summit can be spectacular. Descending Southwards from Glaramara we walk via High House Tarn to ascend Allen Crags (2572') followed by the ascent of Great End (2984'). Retracing our steps to Esk Hause 233081 we return to Seatoller via Ruddy Gill, Grains Gill and Stockley Bridge with the possibility of spectacular beck and waterfall scenery. A medium quick pace will be maintained.

Distance: 11½ miles
Ascent: 3400'
Leaders: David and Glenys Poole

'B' Walk
A shorter version of the 'A'- walk and taken at a slow pace, the 'B' walk follows the same route via Glaramara to the summit of Allen Crags. We descend Allen Crags to the intersection at 235083 and following the track alongside Ruddy Gill return to Seatoller as described in 'A'- walk.

Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 2800'
Leaders: Dave Luty and John McEvoy

'C' Walk
Starting at the hamlet of Rosthwaite 258149 we walk generally Southwards parallel to Stonethwaite Beck for just over a mile before climbing slowly and steeply through woodland and moorland to Dock Tarn. Our next calling point is Watendlath with its delightful tarn before returning to Rosthwaite. We walk south for a short distance then crossing the River Derwent at Longthwaite Youth Hostel, we walk via Johnny's wood to the coach at Seatoller.

Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: Ian Gilmour and Ken Parks