Range Walking Club
Sunday 20th November 1988-North Wales-Loggerheads
(Walks not done due to coaches failing to arrive at school, some members made there own way to Loggerheads and did a joint walk)
Our next walks are on Sunday, 20th of November and are based in the Clywd area of North Wales. The area is relatively close to home and perhaps, as a consequence, tends to be overlooked by many. Nevertheless, the area offers some excellent walking opportunities. The coach will leave school at 8.00 a.m. promptly, and we should be back in Formby by 7.00 p.m. The cost of the coach is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to Barbara Craine at the school office by Thursday, 10th November. All walks will finish at Loggerheads where toilets are available. Please note that boots should be worn on all walks as footpaths were found to be very muddy in places.

'A' walk
Starts by joining the Offa's Dyke path at Bodfari (SJ 097701). The route continues for a short while along country lanes before joining the path proper to the site of Penycloddiau Fort (SJ 128676) and then on to the summit of Moel Arthur (SJ 145660). From there the route proceeds due South to the summit of Moel Famau (SJ 160626) the highest point of the journey at 554m offering extensive views of the surrounding area, and in fine weather the mountains of Snowdonia. From Moel Famau again due South and onto the summit of Foel Fenlli (SJ 164600) from where the route swings Southeastwards to Plymog Farm (SJ 184597) and then Northwards through fields and woodland to finish at Loggerheads.

Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 3600 ft
Leaders: Arthur Jones and John Laking

'B'+ Walk
Starts by joining a track some (SJ 171683) 2.5 km from Hendre on the A541. The track leads Southwest almost to the summit of Moel Arthur (SJ 145660) climbing gradually at first and then more steeply as the summit is reached. From the summit of Moel Arthur the route followed is then the same as the 'A' walk.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2650 ft
Leader: Phil Morgan

'B' Walk
Starts and finishs at Loggerheads (SJ 197624). From Loggerheads the route is a reversal of the 'A' and 'B'+ walks at first, proceeding Southwards through fields and woods to Plymog Farm (SJ 184597) and then West to the summit of Foel Fenlli (SJ 164600). From there the route proceeds Northwards to Moel Famau (SJ 160626), highest point at 554m which, given fine weather, should offer some excellent views. The route then proceeds Northeastwards to Cilcain (SJ 177651) before turning South along the banks of the Afon Alun in the Leet valley to return to Loggerheads.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 2000ft.
Leader: Tom Dillon

'C' Walk
Starting in the same place as the 'B'+ walk the route proceeds for a short while along the track as far as Firwood Farm (SJ 158678) and then turns Southeastwards for a pleasant walk across fields and woodlands to Cilcain (SJ 177651). From there the route continues Southwards along the banks of the Afon Alun in the beautiful Leet Valley to finish at Loggerheads Country Park where refreshments will be available. The country park also has a Visitors Centre and Craft shop

Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 650 ft.
Leader: Patrick Ferguson