Range Walking Club
Sunday 19th March 1989-Yorkshire Dales-Malham
The next walk has been arranged for Sunday, 19th March 1989 in the Malham area of the Yorkshire Dales. As the Dales are marvellous for walking we have included an extra excursion, making four walks for choice. At the recent A.G.M the decision was taken to maintain present costs of £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. The coach will leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. promptly and should be back in Formby by 7.30 p.m. Toilet facilities will be available prior to starting on walks. will members please indicate below which walk you are likely to join and return tear off slip to school office by Thursday, 9th March. May we remind members that strong and waterproof footwear is essential at this time of year and that adequate waterproof/warm garments are strongly recommended.

'A'+ Walk
A long and rewarding walk takes us from Horton-in-Ribbleadale to Malham along the Pennine Way. From Horton-in-Ribblesdale we climb Pen-y-Ghent (2273') and then Fountains Fell (2191') before descending via Tennent Gill farm to Malham Tarn. We skirt the East side of the tarn and make for the 'water sinks'. Here we leave the Pennine Way to scramble down the 'Dry Valley' and along to the top of Malham Cove. We cross the limestone pavement to descend on the West side and thus via the infant River Aire to Malham village.

Distance: 16 miles
Ascent: 2500'
Leaders: Ken Bryning and Garfield Southall

'A'- Walk

Starts at Stainforth and heads North-east towards Rough Close farm and at the moorland road turns South-east to pick up the path to Turf Hill. Crossing the Pennine Way we then enter typical limestone country and make our way down to the East side of Malbam Tarn. At this juncture a choice can be made as to returning to Malham via, the Pennine Way and Malham Cove or descend via Gordale Scar (for the more adventurous!). The walk is through typical Dale country with plenty to observe and admire.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 1600'
Leaders: Ray Webb and Chris Symes

'B' Walk
From our starting point at Settle we walk Northwards beside the River Ribble as far as Stainforth and then turn South-east and finally Eastwards to follow the 'Craven Fault'. This takes us through magnificent limestone scenery via Stainforth Scar, Langcliffe Scar and Malham Cove. The gradients on this walk are short and not too strenuous and given good weather (!) fine distant views of Ingleborough, Pen-y-Ghent and Malham Tarn.
Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 1500'
Leaders: Glenys Poole and Dave Purdy

'C' Walk
The walk commences at the village of Hellifield with a very gentle climb towards Wenningber Hill. Turning East to Otterburn and then crossing farmland to Airton where we pick up the Pennine Way route and walk along the River Aire to Malham. There is no coffee shop at Hellifield but alternative arrangements are being considered.

Distance: 7 miles
Leaders: Pete Kenna and Derek Watchorn