Range Walking Club
Sunday 18th June 1989-Derbyshire-Fairholme
For our June walk on Sunday, 18th we are going into Derbyshire which has many beautiful areas and splendid walks. We leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt and expect to be back by 7.30 p.m. Costs remain the same at £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Toilet arrangements have been organised for all parties. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to the School Office (Barbara Craine) by Thursday 8th June 1989.

'A' Walk
Starts at Ashopton Viaduct on the A57 from where we head Northwards ascending White Tor (487m), Dovestone Tor (505m) and Back Tor (538m). From here we cross Featherbed Moss to the summit of Margery Hill (546m). We then descend to Howden Reservoir. Our return is then along the 'Cal-Der-Went' walk back to the coach. Depending upon weather conditions and time an extension is possible.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: Ian Blackwell and Tom Dillon

'B' Walk
We begin with a delightful walk along the banks of the Ladybower Reservoir and then cross the Snake road and climb to the top of Crook Hill where good views of the High Peak and Mam Tor can be seen. The route continues along the ridge past Lockerbook Farm and Ashton Clough before we start to descend by Gores plantation to the Derwent Valley. We proceed along the banks of Derwent Reservoir to our destination at Fairholme. Conditions in bad weather can be soft underfoot so boots are strongly recommended.

Distance: 9½ miles
Leaders: Keith and Val Ellard

'C' Walk
A rather long, but none the less, easy and pleasant low level walk around reservoirs of the Upper Derwent Valley. This area is said to be one of the most scenically attractive parts of the Peak National Park. Starting at Fairholme we cross the river and head Northwards along the East side of the Derwent and Howen Reservoirs. At the North end of the latter we cross to the West bank where we propose to take lunch. Anyone can cool their feet if they wish in the river hereabouts (take a towel). We then walk Southwards along the reservoir banks to Fairholme. The last four miles of the walk, Kings T...?? (Dave Luty's writing!) to Fairholme has a regular minibus service (half hourly intervals) Fare-peak period 50p, for anyone finding the distance of the walk too much.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 150'
Leaders: Jan Yabsley and Dave Griffiths