Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th July 1989-North Wales-Snowdonia-Carneddau
Our walk on Sunday, 16th July takes us to the Carneddau range of mountains in the Snowdonia National Park. We leave school as usual at 8.00 a.m. prompt and expect to be back by 7.30 p.m. Costs remain at £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Toilet facilities will be available at Trefriw on the outward journey for all parties. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to the school office by Thursday, 6th July 1989.

'A' walk
A spectacular walk to the second highest summit in Wales. Carnedd Llewelyn (3490 ft.). Our route takes us from Tal-y-waun, which is approximately 2km beyond Capel Curig on the A5, to the col above the Llyn Cowlyd Reservoir. From here we contour around Pen Llithrig y Grach to gain the summit of Pen y Hely Du (2732 ft.) via its east ridge. From here we descend slightly by a short scramble to the col opposite Craig Yr Ysfa and then ascend the Southeast ridge of Carnedd Liewelyn to the summit. On a fine day the views are fantastic. Almost every 3000 ft. peak in Wales can be seen. From the summit of Carnedd Llewelyn we descend to the col before Foel Grach and then down the broad pleasant ridge above Craig Fawr to Tal y Llyn. From here we travel Southeastwards over a small spur to Carreg Wen near the Llyn Cowlyd Reservoir dam. We then travel west along a pleasant track to complete our walk at Trefriw.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 3700 ft.
Leader: Patrick Ferguson

'B'+ Walk
Begins at Trefriw with a pleasant walk along country lanes to Llyn Crafnant. From here we head Southwest, climbing to the col below Craig Wen. Then Northwest to cross the head of Llyn Cowlyd Reservoir and ascend the Southwest side of Pen Llithrig y Wrach 2621 ft. (The hill of the slippery witch!). Given favourable weather the views from the summit are excellent. We then descend the broad Northeast side of the mountain to Carreg Wen were the route is the same as for the 'A' walk, westwards along a narrow track to Trefriw.
Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2450 ft.
Leaders: Arthur Jones and Kate Croft

'B' Walk
From Trefriw we follow the same route as the 'B'+ walk past Llyn Crafnant to the col below Craig Wen. We then proceed due north to the summit of Creigiau Gleision (2224 ft.) which overlooks Llyn Cowlyd Reservoir. Our route then takes us Northeastwards along the broad ridge of Cefyn Cyfarwydd to return via pleasant country lanes to Trefriw.
Distance: 10 miles
Ascent 2200 ft.
Leaders: Phil Morgan and John Hughes

'C' Walk
A pleasant walk through woodland and beside lakes. The route takes us from Trefriw to Llyn Crafnant and then on to Llyn Ceirionydd, two beautiful lakes set in very pleasant countryside. From Llyn Ceirionydd we walk through woods and across fells to return to Trefriw. Refreshments are available in Trefriw.

Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 600 ft.
Leaders: David Guiver and Ken Lamb