Range Walking Club
Sunday 22nd January 1989-East Lancashire-Rossendale
A very Happy New Year to all our members. The Rossendale Moors in East Lancashire are our January venue. We leave school on Sunday, 22nd January, at 8.00 a.m. and should be back by 6.30 p.m. The cost remains at £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Toilets are available at the start and finish of all walks and it is likely that hot soup and other light refreshments will be available at the finish. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to Barbara Craine at the school office by Thursday, 12th January.

Fellwalking friends in Rossendale have assisted us to provide three excellent walks all variable on the day depending upon conditions. This is an attractive and fascinating area steeped in history and interest, the starting place of the industrial revolution being close by. There will be an opportunity for all parties to visit the Helmshore Textile Museum (admission charge payable) at the end of their walk if they wish, particularly if weather is dull/damp. Bright frosty conditions may tempt us to enjoy the daylight and scenery to the limit, Boots are essential for all walks. (O.S. Landranger Maps 103 and 109)

'A' Walk
Starts at Clough Head Quarry (751231) and after crossing the head of the Ogden Valley makes Hog Lowe Pike walking generally south to Bull Hill (1380') the highest point on Holcombe Moor. Following the ridge to its southernmost point we stop briefly at the Peel Tower 777162 to enjoy the view (we hope). We now descend into the Irwell Valley for a fascinating walk through our industrial heritage. An eye opener of surprising beauty and tranquility finishing at Helmshore Industrial Museum. A fast pace will be set.

Distance: Maximum 12 miles
Ascent: Maximum 1000 ft
Leaders: David Poole and Ian Blackwell
'B' Walk
Starting and finishing as 'A' walk, but less exposed and taken at a modest pace.

Distance: Maximum 10 miles
Ascent: 550 ft.
Leaders: Peter Lucas and John McEvoy

'C' Walk
Many options are open to us. We start and finish at the Helmshore Museum and the coach will be stationed at halfway point to enable lunch to be eaten in comfort!

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: Maximum 400 ft.
Leaders: Robert and Joyce Blackwell