Range Walking Club
Tuesday 27th December 1988-Local Area-Rufford
The December walk will take place on Tuesday, 27th. As in recent years lunch can be taken at a local hostelry and we can vouch for its quality, having sampled both the food and liquid refreshments which includes coffee if required. There is a reasonable selection of very good value main courses available from £2.30 per meal.

The walk will start at Rufford railway station where there is a car park, overflow parking has been arranged at the nearby Fermor Arms. Most of the walk is along the waterways of the Lancashire plain and is approximately 7 miles in length, although alternative routes are available should the weather be inclement, or participants consider they have had enough or want more. We can guarantee to blow the cobwebs away from lazy minds brought about by the festive period!

The start is at 10 a.m. prompt and we intend to be back at Rufford by 3.20 p.m. at the latest. The distance from Formby to Rufford by road is 16 miles and it takes approximately 40 minutes. The railway station is signposted on the right of the A59 just after the Hesketh Arms on the left.

The walk itself starts along the bank of the Leeds-Liverpool canal. It is essential to wear walking boots or wellington boots with good grip. You normally expect canal towpaths to be wet and muddy and the first 100 yards of the walk will live up to this reputation due to bank reinforcement work. However, after this initial introduction the next two miles by the side of the canal are considerably improved and quite grassy. We then leave the canal and walk ¾ mile to the banks of the River Douglas where good underfoot conditions give us a pleasant walk along the banks of the rivers Yarrow and Lostock.

After lunch in Croston we wander through the village past the prominent church and the very ancient school before passing out onto pasture land. We then follow a series of dyke top paths back to Ruf ford.

We have been requested by the landlord of the De Trafford Arms in Croston to give him a rough estimate of the numbers wishing to take lunch. No necessity to choose meal prior to arriving, the need for numbers is to ensure he has sufficient staff on duty to meet our requirements. Therefore, could you please ring Dave Luty, prior to 9 p.m. on Friday, 23rd December, if you intend to partake of the pub lunch so that the landlord can be informed that evening.

Distance: 7 miles
Leaders: John Yabsley and Dave Luty