Range Walking Club
Sunday 23rd April 1989-Lake District-Coniston
The next walk has been arranged for Sunday 23rd April 1989 in the Coniston area of the Lake District. An outstanding area of natural beauty which, at the time of our walks, should be enhanced even more so by the onset of Spring (we hope!!). The coach will leave school promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we should be back there by 7.30 p.m. Cost of the coach seats remain at £3.00 for adults and £2.00 .for children. A toilet stop will be made on the M6 on the outward journey with toilet facilities available at Coniston at the end of the day where all walks finish. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it with remittance to the School Office by Thursday 13th April 1989. Prompt bookings are recommended as we have had to disappoint one or two latecomers recently. Strong waterproof footwear, preferably boots as well as waterproof/warm clothing are considered essential as all walks cross open fells.

'A' Walk
Starts across the Cumbria Way at its junction with the A593 near Skelwith Bridge (GR 328022). The route follows a small lane towards Little Langdale before ascending Great Carrs (2625'). We then take an excursion westward to Grey Friar (2526') and return to Swirl How to continue along the ridge to Levers Hause and on to The Old Man of Coniston at (2635') the highest point of the day. Excellent views abound given a fine day. We then descend eastwards via disused quarries to Coniston.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 3500'
Leaders: Patrick Ferguson, Ian Mitchell and John Hughes

'B' Walk
Commences at Torver, south of Coniston on the A593 (GR 283941). We start heading northwards along Torver Beck to the Walna Scar Road, which we will follow until picking up the path that ascends the Southwest slopes of Brown Pike (2238'). A broad ridge route takes us to Dow Crag (2552') before descending to the col at Goats Hause. From here we climb to the summit of the Old Man of Coniston (2635') and thence to Levers Hause. A steep descent takes us down to Levers Water and then we pass disused copper mines to reach Coniston town itself.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 2500'
Leader: Tom Dillon

'B'- Walk
Starts from Torver and follows the same route as the 'B' walk up to the Walna Scar road. From here the walk follows the valley to Goat Water and then to Goat Hause. Excellent views of Dow Crag are obtained on this section. We then turn southeast to ascend the Old Man of Coniston (2635') and then follow the same descent eastwards as that of the 'A' walk under Stubthwaite Crag to Coniston. This walk will be taken at a leisurely pace throughout but affords an opportunity of climbing one of the famous Lakeland peaks.

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leaders: Arthur Jones and Phil Morgan

'C' Walk
Once again starts from Torver and follows initially the same route as the 'B' and 'B'- walks as far as Walna Scar road. We then turn eastwards to the disused quarry just above Heathwaite and then northwards to Crowberry Hause. Our route takes us on to Levers Water which is in a beautiful setting surrounded by Coniston Fells. From Levers Water we travel south-eastwards along Levers Beck to Coniston, where refreshments are available.

Distance: 6 miles
Ascent: 1100'
Leader: Ken Lamb