Range Walking Club
Sunday 20th September 1987-North Wales-Snowdonia
Those lazy days of lying around on sunny beaches are over, it's time to get up and walk. So-on your feet! The first walk of the new season is to take place on Sunday, September 20th in the Carnedd area of Snowdonia. The walks may be found on the O.S. maps-sheet 115 of the 1:50,000 scale, and the Outdoor Leisure Map, scale 1:25000, Snowdon. A small part of the 'A' walk is on the Conway Valley sheet of the Leisure Map series.
The coach will leave school at 8.00 am. so please be in good time for a prompt departure. There is unlikely to be a stop on the outward journey for there are no suitable places on the improved A55 route which we shall be following. The cost of the walks is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to Barbara Craine in the school office by Thursday, l0th September. All walks end at the Ogwen Cottage where there are toilet facilities and refreshments available. We hope to be back in Formby by about 7.30 to 8.00 pm. but the return route through Betwys y Coed and Ruthin can be rather slow on a Sunday evening. We are offering four walks this time. The 'A' is strenuous, the 'B'+ involves a steep climb, with the option of going on to an extra peak if time and weather allow it. The 'B' walk, though slightly longer, is on easier terrain and the climbing is gentler. The 'C' is a pleasant stroll along the Nant Ffrancon Valley with a small climb at the end. Many times in the past those who have done the reconnaissance walks in foul weather have been blessed with good weather on the actual day. There have been two recce walks for our September outing, both in dreadful weather, with visibility practically nil, so we are hoping for a really good day on 20th. Nevertheless, the Carnedds are notorious for mist, and some of the terrain is rough and rather isolated, so it may therefore be necessary to change our plans if the weather should be unkind. Boots are essential on the 'A', 'B'+ and 'B' walks, and are strongly recommended for the 'C' walk as well.

'A' Walk
This will start from the little village of Aber G.R. 655727 on the A55. The route will follow the Afon Aber southwards, first along a small road, then along a path to the Aber Falls 669700. It is above the falls that the main ascent begins up to the ridge which includes Foel Fras, Carnedd Uchaf, Foel Grach, Carnedd Llewelyn (at 3485 ft. the highest point) Carnedd Dafydd, and finally Penyrole-wen. Five of these summits are over 3000 ft. If the weather is clear we shall take the direct descent, which is very steep, from Penyrole-wen to Ogwen Cottage. Otherwise, we shall take the easier route past Ffynnon Lloer to the eastern end of Llyn Ogwen.

Distance: 12½ miles
Ascent: 4000 ft.
Leaders: Arthur Jones and Tom Dillon

'B'+ Walk
This will start in Bethesda and proceed in a south-easterly direction up the ridge to Carnedd Daffyd. from that summit the party may like to go on to Carnedd Llewelyn, about 1½ miles away and involving an extra 300 or 400 ft. of ascent. After returning to Carnedd Daffyd, the walk will continue to Penyrole-wen, and take the easier route down to Ogwen.

Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 2700 ft.
Leaders: Ian Almond and Peter Thomas

'B' Walk
This will start from Bethesda and follow the Nant Ffrancon Valley up to Llyn Idwal. The party will then climb up past the Devil's Kitchen 639588. From there it will ascend via the southern slope to the top of Y Garn 632595. An easy footpath down a ridge then leads directly to Ogwen Cottage.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 2500 ft.
Leaders: David Guiver and Ken Lamb

'C' Walk
This too starts from Bethesda and after crossing a wooded ridge will follow the old road along the floor of the Nant Ffrancon Valley, and then climb up to Llyn Idwal. If the weather is good it may be that the party would like to follow the path that encircles the lake, adding about 1½ miles to the walk, be before going for refreshments at Ogwen Cottage.

Distance: 6 miles or 7½ miles
Ascent: 500-600 ft.
Leader: Phil Morgan