Range Walking Club
Sunday 15th May 1988-North Lake District-Buttermere
There are four walks to choose from on Sunday 15 May. They are centred on the potentially magnificent area (given you know what!) between Keswick and Buttermere. The relevant OS Sheet is 1:25000 N.W. Lakes. The coach will leave promptly at 8:00 am and we should be back in Formby by 8:00 pm. There will be a toilet stop at Tebay Services on the outward journey. All walks finish at Buttermere where toilets and light refreshments are available. The cost is £3 for adults and £2 for children. Please indicate which walk you are likely to join and return the tear off slip to the school office by Friday 6 May 1988.

'A' Walk
This splendid ridge walk on the roof of the area will start near Portinscale, west of Keswick, walking south to High Spy (2143') via Cat Bells and Maiden Moor (1887'). Descending to Dale Head Tarn followed by ascent to Dale Head (2473') the walk then takes in Hindscarth (2385') and Robinson (2410') before finishing at Buttermere.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 3900'
Leaders: John Laking and Ian Kilner

'B'+ Walk
This alternative and excellent ridge walk for strong 'B' walkers who enjoy a bit of scrambling and a little exposure, will also start near Portinscale, walking south following the river towards Stair. We climb steeply, but slowly, to Rowling End and following a short scramble reach the summit of Causey Pike (2035'). Following the ridge westwards over Scar Crags (2205') we reach Eel Crag (2735'). Turning south over Wandope (2533') and along to Whiteless Pike (2159') we finish at Buttermere.

Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 3150'
Leaders: Ian Gilmour and David Luty

'B' Walk
This will be a delightful, slow paced pilgrimage! We start from Buttermere and walk south east along the edge of the lake to Gatesgarth. Then via Warnscale Bottom ascending to Blackbeck Tarn. After passing Innominate Tarn we ascend Haystacks (1900') beloved by Wainwright and at his request the place where his ashes are to be scattered. The descent is via Scarth Gap and the pass to Buttermere.

Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 1600'
Leaders: David Poole and Ken Parks

'C' Walk
We have a number of pleasant options, including a walk up the delightful hidden bluebell valley at Rannerdale, north west of Buttermere and a lakeside walk around either Crummock water or Buttermere Lake. There is also the waterfall at Scale Force. The choice will be made on the day.

Distance: 7 miles
Leaders: Robert and Joyce Blackwell