Range Walking Club
Sunday 20th March 1988-South Lake District-Broughton in Furness
On Sunday, March 20th, we are off to Dunnerdale. Where?? This valley is one of the delightful hidden gems of the South takes where with minimal effort glorious views are unfolded. The higher you climb the better the view, although the highest point attained on any walk is only 1735'. Panoramic views of Pillar, Scafells, Coniston Range and even Yorkshire are supplemented by extensive vistas of Morecambe Bay and Duddon Estuary, especially if we are blessed with the weather enjoyed on the reconnoitre. We shall leave school at 8.00 am. prompt and hope to be back in Formby between 7.00 pm. and 7.30 pm. As agreed at the A.G.M. last Monday the cost of the walks has been maintained at £3.00 for adults and. £2.00 for children, thanks in part to the splendid support on last years walks. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to Barbara Crane at the school office by Thursday, 10th March 1988. All walks start at Broughton-in-Furness.

'A' Walk
Commences in the town square and proceeds North over fields to Broughton Mills. We then climb to the top of Knott (925') and thence along a ridge with a high point at 1183'. A descent is then made prior to climbing to the summit of Caw (1735'). We then proceed westward to Stickle Pike (1231') which commences the second part of the Horseshoe valley walk, taking us due South back to Broughton-in-Furness. Although total distance appears moderate the extension to Caw, with a descent prior to ascent, makes this a full 'A' walk.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2700'
Leaders: Merion Williams and Chris Symes

'B'+ Walk
This follows the route of the 'A' walk from its commencement, but confines itself to the natural Horseshoe which excludes the extension to Caw. The views all day are superb with mountains the dominant feature on the outward journey and extensive views of Morecambe Bay and the Duddon Estuary on the return trip.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 1850'
Leaders: Dave Luty and Keith Ellard

'B' Walk
Another option based upon the same fells as the 'A' and 'B'+ walks. Because the general consensus of the leaders on the reconnoitre was to maximise the opportunities for members to see this glorious valley and the surrounding hills, a further walk, omitting only a small part of the outward 'B'+ walk, has been designed. The walks on these fells reveal hidden gems of tarns which come as pleasant surprises, as well as views all round the mountains beyond.

Distance: 9¼ miles
Ascent: 1700'
Leader: John Yabsley

'C' Walk
After a suitable coffee sojourn in the local cafe we walk through fields and lanes to Broughton Mills. Not to be outdone, and so as to enjoy some of the beautiful views of Lakeland mountains, we also climb, at a slow pace, to the summit of Great Stickle (990'). We then, if time allows, retreat rapidly to the quaint pub (Blacksmith Arms) at Broughton Mills. (Editors note:- Forget thoughts of purchasing food-the licensee of this hostelry, incidentally, with no bar, stocks two packets of nuts! Sorry, one now that we have been, but does have nice beer etc. in a setting probably not refurbished since it was built in the 1740's) We then wander back to Broughton-in-Furness across lea and meadow.

Distance: 6¾ miles
Ascent: (measurable) 450'
Leaders: Enid Luty and Jan Yabeley