Range Walking Club
Sunday 19th June 1988-North Wales-Arennig's-Bala
Once again there will be four Walks to choose from on our next outing on Sunday June 19th. Arennig (Arenig) Fawr and Arennig Fach are two large and separate mountains in North Wales, one on either side of the A4212 from Bala to Trawsfynedd. Because of their considerable height, Fach is 2259 feet, and Fawr is 2801 feet, and because of their isolated location, they command superb views in all directions. George Borrow wrote of the latter in 1862 - "there is something majestic in its huge bulk. Of all the hills I saw in Wales none made a greater impression on me". I agree with him, and if the weather is kind, I suspect you may too. The cost is £3 for adults and £2 for children. Please indicate which walk you are likely to join and return the tear off slip to the school office by Friday 10th June. The coach will leave promptly at 8.00 a.m., and we hope to be back in Formby by about 7.30 p.m. There will be a convenience stop at Bala on the outward journey, but there are no refreshments there.

0.S. 1:50,000 Sheet 125 Bala-124 Dolgellau, but this does not include 'C' Walk
0.S. 1:25,000 Outdoor Leisure Map, Snowdonia, Bala and Harlech.
A Walk
This will start near the bridge where the road loops round the Northern limb of Llyn Celyn, Grid. Ref. 846417. The party will move North-westwards and pass to the North of Llyn Arennig Fach before making the steep ascent to the top of the cliffs overlooking it, before proceeding to the summit and descending Southwards to the road at 826400. A short walk East leads to a bridge near the head of the reservoir, and the party will then join the track leading East of Llyn Arennig Fawr. The ascent of the mountain is made via a grassy ridge, and a bit of a scramble at the top. The route then continues along a beautiful ridge sprinkled with little tans, before descending to the saddle at 816355. An easy track is then followed Northwards to the minor road, and the coach will be found at the quarry, 832393.
Distance: Ah, well-that's a good question! 12 or 13 sound like good figures, but whether this is an outrageous under/over statement, or a measurement in Himalayan Hops, or Nepalese kilometre., you may interpret for yourselves.
Ascent: 3300'
Leaders: Patrick Ferguson and Tom Dillon (Tom Dillon will be taking over the leadership of this group after this walk).
If time, weather, and remaining energy allow, it may be possible for some, or all, of the party to ascend Moel Llyfnant from the saddle and return through the forest to the North of it, joining the track to the quarry. This would add 700 feet of ascent and two miles to the walk.

'B'+ Walk
This walk will start at the quarry 832393 and follow the road East for a short distance, in order to join the track to Llyn Arennig Fawr. The route will then be the same as that of the A party, but it will include Moel Llyfnant.

Distance: 10 miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leader: Arthur Jones

'B' Walk
This will start at the same point as the 'B'+. walk and follow the same route, but after the ascent of Arennig Fawr will descend via the ridge to the saddle between it and Moel Llyfnant and return direct to the coach.

Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 2000'
Leaders: Phil Morgan and Ken Lamb

'C' Walk
This will start from Bala and return to the town. The walk will go through fields and forest and on to open moorland to reach the summit of Moel Emoel at about 1700 feet. The climb, through considerable, is not steep and will be taken very slowly. The view from the top is very extensive and well worth the effort of the climb.

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leader: David Guiver