Range Walking Club
Sunday 17th July 1988-North Lake District-Keswick
On 17th July we will try again the Skiddaw and Blencathra walks designed for last October, but abandoned because of "impossible" weather. The coach leaves school at 8.00 am. prompt and we should be back there by 7.30 pm. The cost of the walks is still £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. There will be a toilet stop only on the way out to the Keswick area. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to the school office by Thursday, 7th July. Boots are the order of the day as some of the ground may be heavy.
'A' Walk
Starts at Bassenthwaite village and ascends the beautiful ridge to Ullock Pike (2230'), Longside (2405') and Carr Side (2420') with the view becoming more extensive until some 85% of Lakeland fells are in sight. We then make the ascent to Skiddaw summit at 3053'. The descent to Skiddaw Little Man is followed by visits to Lonscale Fell (2344') and for the final delight the view from Latrigg before descending to Keswick.

Distance: 11¼ miles
Ascent: 3755'
Leaders: Chris Symes and Brian Ross

'B' Walk
Commences at Mungrisdale village and a steady but not steep ascent is made to Glenderamackin Col. at 1900', thence via Foule Crag with views of Sharp Edge, to the summit of Blencathra (2847') described by Wainwright as "one of the grandest objects in Lakeland". The vista is spectacular in good weather, giving sights of Yorkshire and most of the Lake District Fells as well as Derwent Water and Ullswater. We then descend via Gatesgill Fell Top to the disused hospital and then wend our way back to Keswick through meadow and by streams.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 2250'
Leaders: Keith Ellard and Dave Luty

'C' Walk
Commences in the centre of Keswick, leaving the town by a path southwards along the lakeside to the car park in Great Wood. From there we will complete a circular walk around Falcon Crag and onto the top of Walla Crag which is said to "provide panoramic views across Derwent Water". On completion of the circular walk, we return to Keswick by the lake-side path.

Distance: 7½-8 miles
Ascent: 1200'
Leaders: John and Jan Yabeley