Range Walking Club
Sunday 17th January 1988-Lancashire-Pendle Area
A very happy and healthy New Year to all our readers! At members request we are reintroducing a January walk - the first one for six years. Our venue is the Pendle area of Lancashire, famous for its historical links with witchcraft and the occult. All walks will be variable dependant upon the weather on the day, but unless we are favoured with a hard frost the going will be soft, wet and muddy underfoot on all walks. We leave school on Sunday, 17th January 1988, at 8.00 a.m. prompt and should be back by 6.00 p.m. The cost of the walks is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Toilets are available at the start, Whalley, and finish, Barley, of all walks. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join, and return it to Barbara Craine at school by Friday, 8th January.
Map. O.S. Landranger 1: 50,000. No. 103

'A' Walk
Commences at Spring Wood 741360 near Whalley, walking generally North-easterly over Wiswell Moor via Nick of Pendle, 1830' (805415). We descend to Newchurch-in-Pendle via Ogden Reservoir, thence via the Black Moss Reservoir to our finish at Barley (823403).

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 2300'
Leaders: John Laking and David Poole

'B' Walk. Options 1
Also starts from Spring Wood and follows the 'A' walk route to Nick of Pendle 980'. This will be a slow steady ascent over 2.5 miles. We make for Pendle Hill summit from the South side via Ogden Reservoir, and the descent is via the zig-sags to our finish at Barley.

Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 1900'
Leaders: Ian Gilmour and Peter Lucas

'B' Walk Option 2
A slightly easier walk than option 1. From the same starting point we walk South-east over fields to cross to the south aide of the Sabden Brook Valley at 753354. We then follow a pleasantly undulating track to Sabden, walking parallel to the valley, but above it. At Sabden we cross over to the North side of the valley and make slowly for the summit of Pendle Hill via a similar route to option 1, the descent into Barley being the same.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 1760'
Leaders: David Luty and Ken Parks

'C' Walk
Our walk takes us from Whalley via Sabden to Barley on a very pleasant and undulating route through farmland and varied countryside. Light refreshments are available at the car park at Barley.

Distance: 7½ miles
Leaders: Robert and Joyce Blackwell