Range Walking Club
Sunday 14th February 1988-Staffordshire-Cheshire
The next walk has been arranged for Sunday, 14th February in the area along the Staffordshire/Cheshire border, South and East of Congleton. As usual there will be three walks each starting in a different place but all will converge on, and finish at, The Harrington Arms, Bosley (916657) for the now traditional Hot-pot meal. Although this is not an area known for its hills much of the 'A' and 'B' route is along ridges, and, if the weather is kind to us, there are splendid views across the Cheshire plain to Wales and East to the Pennines. The Cloud is also a fine viewpoint. All walks are shown on 0.S. Landranger Map Sheet 118-Stoke-on-Trent, Macclesfield. We shall leave school at 8.00 a.m. promptly and have a brief convenience stop at Sandbach if required. There are no toilets at the various starting points. We hope to be back in Formby between 7.30 pm and 8.00 p.m. The cost of the walks is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to Barbara Crane at school by Thursday, 4th February.

'A' Walk
The 'A' walk will start at Milton on the Northern edge of Stoke-on-Trent at the point where the A53 crosses the Caldon Canal (902506). Starting along the tow-path leading North we shall soon join the headwaters of the River Trent and follow them to Knypersley Reservoir and Country Park. The route continues through the village of that name (8856), along an old railway track past Biddulph, and then climbs in a North-westerly direction to the ridge at Cheshire Close (870588). The route then continues North-eastwards to Nick i' th' Hill, Congleton Edge, Overedge, Timbersbrook, and to the summit of The Cloud (904637). from there a steep descent leads to a minor road which crosses the River Dane and a short stretch across fields will bring us to the Harrington Arms.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: approx. 1000'.
Leaders: Patrick Ferguson and Tom Dillon

'B' Walk
This will start at the village of Scholar Green (835537) and cross the canal to the East by one of the bridges. A track across meadows leads up to Mount Pleasant and the Old Man of Mow. Here a Folly has been built on top of a spectacular outcrop of rocks. We shall then follow the Staffordshire Way in a North-easterly direction to Cheshire Close, from which point the route will be the same as that of the 'A' party.

Distance:9½ miles
Distance: Approx. 1000'
Leaders: David Guiver and Arthur Jones

'C' Walk
This will start near Mossley Hall (880615) after a visit to Congleton. If the weather is good we shall take the same very gentle route as the 'A' and 'B' parties to the top of The Cloud, and then divert to look at the river and canal system in square 9065, before proceeding to the Harrington Arms. If the weather is poor the route may be mainly along the canal.

Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: 500'.
Leaders: Phil Morgan and Ken Lamb