Range Walking Club
Sunday 24th April 1988-South Lake District-Bowness
The next walk takes place on Sunday 24th April and is South Lakeland. Bearing in mind the vagaries of the weather at this time of the year the walks have been confined to lower parts of the fells but lose little for this, having beautiful views and constantly changing scenery. Certainly some very interesting places, normally by-passed in head long dashes to higher fells, are opened up in an area not previously walked by the club. All walks finish at Bowness and are contained in Outdoor Leisure Series of Maps No 7 S.E. Lakes. We leave School promptly at 8.00 am with a Coffee/Toilet stop on the outward journey and hope to be back in Formby at 7.00 pm or thereabouts. Boots are essential at this time of year as the ground can be wet and slippy. Please indicate on attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to the School office by Thursday 14th April 1988.

'A' Walk
Starts near Burneside and goes almost due north to Gurnal Dubs. We then turn westwards to Potters Tarn descending via a different route to the 'B' party to Staveley. From here we follow the 'Dalesway' westwards to its finishing point at Bowness. Although no great height is involved the undulations and distance make it a thoroughly enjoyable walk. Rumour has it that a pub call may be possible around lunch-time if the majority of the party wish for it.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: in total about 1000'
Leaders: Pete Kenna and Dave Luty

'B' Walk
From the starting point, Gateside Farm, on the A591, we take a footpath eastwards to join the Dalesway' at Burneside. Then proceeding north-westerly along a riverside path we arrive at Hagg Foot Farm to begin the only real ascent of the walk climbing slowly to Potters Tarn @ 800'. a circular route then returns us to the 'Dalesway' at Hagg Foot. We then follow this long distance footpath to its terminus at Bowness. This is a very attractive walk over fields and fells offering fine views especially during the closing miles.

Distance: l0½ miles
Ascent: 1000' maximum
Leaders: Glenys Poole and Dave Purdy

'C' Walk
Starts from a lay-by on the A591 and proceeds across fields to Bowston, then follows the River Kent to Staveley. The walk from here is the same as the route taken by the 'A' and 'B' parties ie. continuing to follow the 'Dalesway' to Bowness. This is a pleasant walk through undulating countryside with extensive views over Windermere as it finishes. N.B. There are no coffee shops, antique shops or pubs at either the start or en route! However on reaching Bowness there should be plenty of time to browse around the town.

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: in total under 500'
Leader: Ken Bryning