Range Walking Club
Sunday 19th October 1986-Lake District-Langdales
The next outing of the walking club will take place on Sunday, 19th October and will be in the Elterwater/Great Langdale area of the Lake District always popular because of the beauty of the valley and the majesty of the mountains. A programme has been devised to allow members to try slightly more ambitious walks if required whilst maintaining the basic standard of normal club walks. To this end potential extensions/let outs have been incorporated which effectively provide 5 walks ranging from a strong 'A' to normal 'C'. Plenty of choice and if advice is required the leaders will be willing to explain what each walk entails. This is an ideal opportunity for members who wish to try slightly stronger outings whilst maintaining the normal three walks for other members.
The coach leaves school at 8.00 a.m. prompt and will travel direct to drop off points where walks commence. Toilet facilities are available at each Starting/finishing point as well as refreshment areas at each walk terminus. We intend to return to school by 7.30 p.m. Do bear in mind that temperatures at this time of year are often considerably lower on fell tops than valley floors and bring adequate warm clothing, food and hot drinks. Boots are essential on all 'A' and 'B' graded walks and preferable on 'C' walks. Track shoes are not adequate footwear on fells at this time of year. The cost of the walks is £3 for adults and £2 for children. Details of walks are given below as usual. Please indicate on attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to Barbara Crane via the school office by Thursday, 9th October 1986. The Lake district is always popular so early booking is advisable.

'A' Walk
Starting at New Dungeon Ghyll we ascend to the summit of Bowfell (064246) Height 2960' via the 'Band' and if clear weather allows the summit will be approached via the Climbers Traverse (an exciting narrow path across a sharply sloping hillside) and The Great Slab. From Bowfell we descend steeply to Three Tarns (060248) and then climb 600' to the first of five Crinkle Crags, each crag is then visited in turn. This route is described by Wainwright as a rough ridge walk of high quality which is entirely delightful'. Another descent is then made to Red Tarn from whence a walk down direct to starting point (New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel) is practicable. For the stronger members of the group a further climb of 500' or so takes us to the summit of Pike o' Bliscoe (2304') from whence the descent is made joining the Wrynose Pass Road back to the start. Thoroughly good walks where lack of distance is made up by some extra climbing at steady pace.

Distance: 8½ miles or 9½ miles
Ascent: 3300' or 3900'
Leaders: John Yabeley and Merion Williams

'B' Walk
Starting at Elterwater Village we ascend via Huntingstile Crag to the summit of Silver How (068326) 1292'. From here on a clear day the views of the Lake District are very good indeed. We maintain our panoramic views as we then continue via undulating ridges to Blea Rigg (081297) 1776'high and as we progress new prospects always spring to view. A descent is then made to where the path from stickle tarn crosses our path on its way to Sergeant Man (089286). This is where alternative routes can take place. Stronger 'B' walkers can extend their walk to include this delightful mountain top 2414' and hopefully be rewarded with superb views of Scafell Pikes and Great Gable. Those members less ambitious then return. via Stickle Tarn, lying below the Langdale Pikes, and Stickle Ghyll to New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel. Members availing themselves of the Sergeant Man excursion will also return via Stickle Tarn and Stickle Ghyll. The pace for those going to Sergeant Man will be slightly quicker in order to fit the slightly extra mileage in.

Distances: 6½ miles or 8 miles
Ascent: 1900' or 2600'
Leaders: 'B' Walk, Dave Luty and Keith Ellard. 'B'+ Walk, Chris Symes and Ken Parks

'C' Walk
Starts at the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel and follows part of the Cumbria Way to Elterwater Village. The views all round are superb. We then turn inland beyond Elterwater Lake and down the delightful path to Colwith Woods and Colwith Force following the beck we then descend through fields and woods to Skelwith where the Craft Centre and restaurant are sited. Boots are required footwear as a few muddy parts are bound to be encountered.

Distance: 6 miles
Ascent: negligible.
Leaders: Enid Luty and Angie Symes