Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th November 1986-Lake District-Grasmere
The next outing for the walking club will be on Sunday, 16th November in the Grasmere area of the Lake District. All three walks will start and finish in Grasmere Village itself, which will enable some starters (the 'C' party) and all finishes to take advantage of the tea rooms available in this pleasant village. The coach will leave school at the usual prompt 8.00 am. and will travel direct to the coach park at Grasmere, where toilet facilities are available. All walkers are reminded that we will be well into winter, and are recommended to review their clothing and footwear to see that it is adequate for potential adverse conditions, Details of the walks are given below. The cost of the walks is £3 for adults and £2 for children, Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to Barbara Crane via the school office by Thursday, 6th November 1986. Just a reminder that we do need to have the slips returned as soon as possible as, depending on numbers, the coach has to be confirmed or cancelled well in advance of the actual walk.

'A' Walk
Starting at the coach park in Grasmere, we walk through the village and along the Easedale Road. We climb helm Crag (1299') by the new path and follow the undulating ridge path which takes in Gibson Knott, Pike of Carrs and Calf Crag (1762'), before cutting across a hidden valley to Long Crag on the approaches to High Raise (2500') the highest point on our walk. We cross to Sergeant Man (2414') and then drop down the valley to Easedale Tarn, and return to Grasmere alongside Sourmilk Gill and Goody Bridge. This walk is through varied countryside and offers the usual splendid Lake District views.

Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 2900'
Leaders: Dave Luty and Chris Symes

'B' Walk
Starting at the coach park in Grasmere Village we walk through the village and leave following the Easedale Road via Goody Bridge and Law Mill Bridge to Ghyll Foot. The route then follows up the Greenburn Valley with the summit rocks of Helm Crag to our left, The valley is unfrequented and is the remains of a glacial lake, Towards the head of the valley we ascend Rough Crag to join the ridge which leads us via Gibson Knot (1379') to our destination Helm Crag (1299'). This is a delightful ridge walk giving superb views over Grasmere Common and Far Easedale. As we approach the summit of Helm Crag, we can see the rocky promontory of the 'Lion and Lamb' formation, with Grasmere Lake and the Vale of Grasmere before us. Descent is via Jackdaw Crag and return via Easedale Road to Grasmere.

Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: approx. 1420'
Leaders: Ken Bryning, Peter Kenna and Clive Chislett

'C' Walk
The walk to Easedale starts in Grasmere Village and climbs gently to the water cascade at Sourmilk Gill, a spectacle after heavy rain! Easedale Tarn is a round tarn in an area of high fells and after walking around it the return route crosses Far Easedale Gill, Part of the walk crosses boggy ground and strong footwear is essential.

Distance: 5½ miles
Ascent: 620'
Leader: Derek Watchorn