Range Walking Club
Sunday 10th May 1987-Lake District-Patterdale-Glenridding
The Patterdale area is the venue for our walks on the 10th May. Weather permitting we will have five choices, ranging from a lakeside walk with a boat trip, to the exposed and airy ridges of Helvellyn. The coach will leave school at 8.00 a.m. and we should return by 8.00 p.m. at the latest. The cost of the walks is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate which walk you are likely to join and return the slip to Barbara Craine, at the school office, by Thursday 30th April. There will be a toilet stop on the outward journey. All walks finish at Glenridding where there are toilets as well as refreshment facilities.

'A'+ Walk
A fast paced, heart and lung pounder for the "red-blooded"! North-west from Glenridding. Ascent of Sheffield Pike (2232'). Ascent of Catstycam (2917') by the boulder strewn north-west ridge. Ascent of Helvellyn (3118') via Swirral Edge. Descent via Striding Edge, and finish at Glenridding. A lot of exposure, and fine scrambling on the edges.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 3900'
Leader: Dave Luty
'A' Walk
Will also ascend Helvellyn from the east. Ascent via Striding Edge, descent via Swirral Edge. Start from Patterdale, finish at Glenridding. The pace will be slow, and this will enable walkers with scrambling experience and a good head for heights to savour the fine clean rock of these unique ridges, and 'do Helvellyn' the interesting way.

Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 2800'
Leader: John McEvoy

'B'+ Walk
Will start at Brothers Water and follow a level route along the delightful Dovedale Valley westwards. We then ascend Dove Crag (2603'). Hart Crag (2698') and on to Fairfield (2863'), returning via St. Sunday Crag (2756') to Glenridding. The pace will be steady.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 3400'
Leaders: Ken Parks and David Poole

'B' Walk
From Patterdale we make a slow ascent of Place Fell (2154') with appropriate stops for rest and refreshment. The majority of the climbing is done within the first 4 miles, and we continue north as we descend to the east shore of Ullswater. The return to Glenridding is via the lake shore southwards. The pace will be slow.

Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 1700'
Leaders: Ian Gilmour and Peter Lucas

'C' Walk
It is our objective to have a pleasant lakeside walk followed by a cruise at the finish. Hopefully this will mean starting at Patterdale, following the delightful lake shore along the eastern side of Ullswater, walking generally northwards. On arrival at Howtown we aim to return to Glenridding by lake steamer. Members joining this walk will be charged a subsidised cruise fee of 50p per head, adults and children alike - payable on the coach. The balance will be paid from club funds. The maximum number of subsidised places will be 20 (first come!!)

Distance: 7 miles
Leaders: Robert and Joyce Blackwell