Range Walking Club
Sunday 12th July 1987-Lake District-Kendal
There are three ranges of hills running in a North-South direction between Kendal and Newby Bridge at the southern end of Lake Windermere. You will all have seen them, but because you are generally heading for the better known central peaks of the Lake District, you may not have noticed them! You are even less likely to have walked among them. The next Range Walk, on Sunday, July 12th, will put an end to that situation. Though few points exceed 700 ft above sea level the hills and valleys are surprisingly attractive in themselves. They provide superb and little known views of the main peaks of the Lake District, of Morecambe Bay, and of the Forest of Bowland. The area is covered by the O.S. 1:50,000 map, sheet 97. The coach will leave school at 8.00 am. and there will be a short convenience stop at Burton Service Station on the outward journey. All walks finish in the centre of Kendal and we hope to be back in Formby between 7.00 pm. and 8.00 pm. The cost of the walk is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to Barbara Craine by Thursday, 2nd July, in the school office. Boots are advisable for all walks, though perhaps not essential, but bear in mind that limestone can be very slippery in wet weather.

'A' Walk
This will start at Fell Foot Country Park G.R. 382870, about a mile North-east of Newby Bridge. The first half mile or so will be up a minor road leading N.E, then a path will be followed to the summit of Gummers How 391885, the highest point in the area at 1054 ft. S.E. now to Sow How and Foxfield, and then N.E to Swallow Mire 420877. A path takes the party across the Winster Valley to Poole Bank, after which there is a very steep climb through the woods up Whitbarrow Scar, and to Lord's Seat 442872. From this point the walk follows the same route as the 'B' party.

Distance: 14 miles (16 miles with the Cunswick option)
Ascent: 2000 ft.
Leaders: Patrick Ferguson and Arthur Jones
'B' Walk
This walk features the two limestone ridges on opposite sides of the Lyth Valleys Whitbarrow Scar to the West of it and Scout Scar on the Eastern side. It starts at Mill Dam G.R. 448842, just below the latter scar, and from there a gradual climb of about 500 ft. onto the scar ends with outstanding views: to the South is the Kent Estuary leading out into Morecambe Bay, to the West and North are the Peaks of the Lake District. The walk heads northwards to Lord's Seat and then descends through woodland to the Lyth Valley. We use a minor road to cross the valley to Brigsteer and reach Scout Scar after another gentle climb of about 350 ft. Again the views are outstanding. If time, energy and the weather permit we will take in Cunswick Scar 492940, otherwise, we shall descend from Scout Scar into Kendal. Wainwright said of Whitbarrow "all is fair to the eye" and of Scout Scar "This is a walk above all others, a pleasure every step of the way."

Distance: 11 miles (13 miles with Cunswick)
Ascent: 1400 ft.
Leaders: Phil Morgan and Ken Lamb

'C' Walk
This will start from the centre of Kendal and proceed to the cairn on Cunswick Scar. This involves an easy climb in a North-westerly direction via the Serpentine Woods and Helsfell Nab. We shall then turn South, crossing the Underbarrow road near the car park, and proceed to Scout Scar. The shelter at the top is known locally as the Mushroom. We shall continue South for another mile and then cross the former racecourse and return to Kendal, a steady descent all the way. The whole of this walk may be followed on the 1: 25,000 O.S. Sheet English Lakes, S.E. Sheet. The Party will enjoy the same views as those on the last section of the 'A' and 'B' walks.

Distance: 7½ miles
Ascent: 1000 ft. but gently.
Leader: David Guiver