Range Walking Club
Sunday 13th October 1985-Yorkshire-Grassington
The next walk will take place on Sunday, 13 October, and though it will be somewhat longer than the September one - after all, you had a gentle start to the season and are now back in form! - there will be less climbing involved. The area to be visited is Upper Wharfedale, and all three walks offer splendid views over the valley and surrounding hills. The coach will leave school at 8.00 a.m. and we hope to be back by about 7.00 p.m. There will be a short stop at Gisburn if people require it on the outward journey. There are toilet facilities available at Kettlewell where both the 'B' and 'C' walks commence. The cost of the walks will be £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the return slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to Barbara Craine by Thursday, 3rd October.

MAPS. O.S. 1:50,000 Sheet 98; 1:25,000 Malham and Wharfedale

'A' Walk
This walk will start from the little village of Starbotton, (Grid Ref. 954748) by following a steep track eastwards to climb over Top Mere, a moorland area rather than a summit. It will then follow more level ground above Tor Dyke to cross the Kettlewell-Leyburn road at its highest point. From there the party will turn S.E. and then south. If the weather and visibility are good the walk will ascend and follow the moorland ridge of Great Whernside (summit 402739). If conditions are poor the terrace about 500 ft. below may be followed. The latter part of the walk is on the very different and much drier limestone terrain. Limestone pavements, scars, and a curious feature known as Conistone Pie, are of interest on the way to Grassington, where all walks finish.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 1800 ft
Leaders: Patrick Ferguson and Ken Lamb
'B' Walk
From Kettlewell, a delightful little village, the party will follow a path beside Dawber Beck which gradually becomes steeper before reaching the terrace below Great Whernside. Depending on conditions at the time a decision will be taken on whether to ascend to the summit and follow the moorland ridge, or follow the terrace below. Alternatively the party might wish to split into two groups. The rest of the walk is as for the 'A' party.

Distance: Approx. 10 miles
Ascent: 1100 ft. or 1500 ft. including Great Whernside
Leaders: Arthur Jones and Phil Morgan

'C' Walk
There will be some time to spend in the rather delightful village of Kettlewell before starting the walk along a minor road towards Conistone, There follows an easy ascent of about 500 ft. through meadows and woods to a more or less level grassy track below the limestone scars, leading to Conistone Pie. From this point all three parties follow the same route to Grassington.

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 500 ft.
Leader: David Guiver