Range Walking Club
Sunday 17th November 1985-Lake District-Ambleside
We now return to Lakeland for the next walk on November 17th 1985. Inevitably some climbing will be involved but will be rewarded with superb views. The walks all start and end at Ambleside and toilet facilities will be available prior to setting out on each excursion. The coach will leave school at 8.00 a.m. and return to school by 7.00 p.m. Remember that November presents the fells in their autumnal shades and they are most impressive. As usual the cost of the journey is £3.00 for adults and. £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the return slip which walk you are likely to join and return to Barbara Craine by Thursday, 7th November.

Response to the enquiry regarding slides/photographs on the October circular was very encouraging. So much so that an evening is to be held in school on January 21st, 1986 when an opportunity to view slides and photographs will be arranged. It is also intended to use the occasion for members to purchase/sell second-hand walking equipment which is no longer required. More information on the exact nature of the evening's events nearer the time. Meanwhile, please remember your cameras on the November and December walks to boost the existing material available for the proposed January evening. Quality is not the criteria, quantity would be useful . Put the date in your diary now and let us have a good response on the evening.

'A' Walk
The walk starts at Ambleside and ascends the eastern leg of the Fairfield Horseshoe, taking in Low Pike (1657'), High Pike (2155') and almost to Dove Crag (2603'). Turning east we then descend to Little Hart Crag (2091') prior to climbing to the summit of Red Screes. (2541'). Work thus done we descend via the ridge to Ambleside.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 3500'
Leaders: Chris Symes and Dave Luty

'B' Walk
This walk goes via High Sweden Bridge into Scandale Pass. Following the beck which flows down here we ascend very gradually through Scandale Bottom to the foot of Red Screes (2541'). We then turn due east and ascend this fell which among its attributes includes one ot the finest views and the biggest cairn east of the Keswick-Windermere road. Then we follow the descent followed by the 'A' party with splendid views of the hills and Kirkstone Pass.

Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 2400'
Leaders: Clive Chislett, Dennis Ashton and Alan Frost

'C' Walk
This could be called the 'waterfalls' walk! Our first watery encounter is Stock Ghyll Force. Then follows a delightful walk through mixed woodland, the side of streams and edges of fells and by a circular route we arrive at High Sweden Bridge, always considered a very beautiful spot. Along the way we see other waterfalls and miniature gorges. We then stroll further up Scandale on one side of the beck prior to returning via the other side to Low Sweden Bridge. Views of the Head of Windermere and Ambleside are excellent and we take in another fine bridge with waterfalls before returning to the coach.

Distance: 6½ miles
Leaders: Peter Kenna and Derek Watchorn