Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th March 1986-Shropshire-Ironbridge
The next walk will take place on Sunday 16 March in S.E. Shropshire. All the walks will end at Ironbridge. They will have considerable scenic variety, passing through woodlands, and along the banks of the River Severn, as well as meadows and little country lanes, but the main feature of the 'A' and 'B' walks will be the traverse of the Wrekin, an isolated hill of ancient rock rising 1000 feet above the Shropshire Plain and commanding very extensive views in all directions. (The use of the word traverse means up one side and down the other, a splendid ridge walk - it does not imply any mountaineering skill!!) Wildlife is also a feature of the area of the walks. The pre-walk party observed numerous duck, geese, rabbits and a fox. If the walk follows a few wet days some parts will be muddy, so all walkers should go in suitable foot-gear, bearing in mind also that the descent of the Wrekin is very steep. There will be a convenience stop on the outward journey, and Ironbridge is well provided with cafes, museums of the industrial development. (and toilets). The coach will leave at 8.00 a.m., and we expect to be back in Formby by 7.30 p.m. or perhaps a little earlier. The cost of the coach will be £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate your choice of walk. All walks may be followed on O.S. Sheet 127 (Stafford, Telford) 1:50,000.
'A' Walk
Starting from the school 651106 the party will follow the lane under the M54 and then take the footpath over Lawrence's Hill. There follows a descent to a country lane before the main climb to the summit of the Wrekin 628081. The route down brings the party to Neves Castle 613070. For the next two miles country lanes will be followed through Garmston to Leighton 611054. From there a path along the bank of the River Severn leads to Cressage Bridge, just off the map. The party will then turn East, following a minor road to Sheinton Common 615037. From there a footpath leads past Buildwas Abbey to the Bridge at 645042. A lane past the Power Station on the South side of the river leads to a caravan site, and a footpath up through the woods to Bethall Edge 656030. The final stage of the walk is a woodland path leading to a disused railway track and the Ironbridge itself.

Distance: 13½ miles
Ascent: 1800 feet. Approx
Leader: David Guiver

'B' Walk
This will follow the same route as the 'A' party as far as Leighton, except for the first section by taking a little lane to the West of it, Lawrence's Hill can be avoided. From Leighton a path along the North bank of the river can be followed to Buildwas Church 637047. From there the route into Ironbridge is partly along the road, and partly along the river bank to the coach park. The bridge is slightly further on.

Distance: 10 Miles (this includes the extra bit to the bridge).
Ascent: 1000 feet.
Leader: Arthur Jones

'C' Walk
This party will do the 'A' walk in reverse, as far as Buildwas Bridge. This does involve a climb of about 500 feet. There will be time to visit the Abbey ruins (entrance 50p for adults, 25p for children). The return to Ironbridge will be on the North side of the river, following the later part of the 'B' route.

Distance: 5½ miles
Leader: Ken Lamb