Range Walking Club
Sunday 22nd June 1986-Lake District-Haweswater
The next walk will be on Sunday 22 June 1986, and is centered on Haweswater, one of the most inaccessible and remote, but very attractive areas of the Lake District. The area offers the observant walker sightings of Golden Eagle, Peregrine Falcon, Red Deer and Fell Pony. One coach only - because of very restricted parking and access - will depart promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we expect to return by 8.00 p.m. A convenience stop will be made on the M6 on the outward journey. Boots are essential for 'A' and 'B walks and strongly recommended for the 'C' walk. The cost is £3.00 for adults, £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the Return Slip which walk you intend to join, and return to the School Office by Thursday 12 June. All walks finish at the southern end of Haweswater, where the coach will pick us up and take us to the Haweswater Hotel, midway along the east side of the lake, where afternoon tea etc., may be ordered. We apologise in advance to those who will be disappointed, but applications will be taken in order of receipt.

'A' Walk
Starts from the car park at the southern end of Haweswater. After a short walk along the lake shore we ascend the 2.5 mile ridge westwards on to the High Street (Roman Road) (2718'). That is via Swine Crag, Heron Crag, Eagle Crag, Rough Crag and Long Stile, with Riggindale (Eagle Valley) nestling below, to our right. From High Street we walk northwards over Rampsgill Head (2581'), Kidsty Pike (2560') (short excursion), High Raise (2634') and Low Raise (2465'), before descending to the lake shore, and our return to the car park. The pace will be slow. Depending upon the weather and the party, the walk may be extended for those who wish, by an excursion to the Knott (2423'), and a later descent to the lakeside at the waterfalls, 487155 - approximately 2 miles further north than the point described above.

Distance: 10½ miles
Ascent: 2525'
Extended Walk: 13 miles
Ascent: 2815'
Leaders: Ken Parks and John McEvoy

'B' Walk
Also starts from the same car park. We walk a little further along the lake shore before making the slow, steady ascent to Kidsty Pike (2560'), via Kidsty Howes, with the Riggindale Valley on our left. A short walk brings us on to Rampsgill Head (2581'), where we turn south along High Street, over Racecourse Hill (2719'), before descending via Mardale Ill Bell, the Nan Bield Pass and Small Water Tarn, to finish at the car park.

Distance: 8 miles
Ascent: 2510'
Leaders: Peter Lucas and Ian Gilmour

'C' Walk
Starts from the hamlet of Burnbanks at the northern end of Haweswater, (511162), and follows the peaceful western shoreline of the lake. The track undulates delightfully up and down, right and left, a waterfall here, a bridged stream there, a delightful stroll for a warm June day, to finish at the car park at the southern end of the lake.

Distance: 7 miles
Leaders: Robert and Joyce Blackwell