Range Walking Club
Sunday 20th April 1986-Lake District-Helvellyn
The next walks will take place on Sunday 20 April 1986. Helvellyn has always been a mountain attracting considerable attention, with a great reputation. We think that we have devised walks for both 'A' and 'B' parties which will have considerable appeal. The 'C' walk is itself a Walker's delight especially in springtime. A convenience stop for all parties will be made on the outward journey. It is recommended that boots are worn by members of all parties, but especially those contemplating 'A' and 'B' excursions. At this time of year snow is possible on the high fells, therefore the walks will need to take into account prevailing conditions. The cost will be £3.00 for Adults and £2.00 for children. May we also remind members that 'Jeans' are unsuitable for walking, especially in high country. Details of the walks are given below. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are most likely to join and return it to the School Office by Thursday 10 April 1986. We anticipate the demand for places to be high, so early response is advisable.

'A' Walk
Starts at Stanam ascends Stick Pass to the top of Raise (2889'). An easy ridge walk then takes us to the summit of Whiteside (2832'). A short climb of 450' then brings us to Helvellyn (Lower Man) following which a stroll takes us to the summit of Helvellyn itself at 3118'. The views throughout, given reasonable conditions, are superb. Time should allow us a round trip from the summit along Swirrel Edge, returning via Striding Edge, one of the classic trips in Lakeland. A final descent is then made to Thirlspot where the 'B' Party walk also terminates.

Distance: 10¾ miles
Ascent: 3975'
Leaders: Merion Williams and Dave Luty

'B' Walk
Will be taken at a very steady pace in order to afford the opportunity for all 'B' standard walkers to avail themselves of an opportunity to climb one of Lakeland's Big 3. Starting at the Travellers Rest (Trust us to do things in reverse !) on the main Grasmere-Keswick Road, we walk via Mill Bridge and Great Tongue to Grisedale Tarn. We then zig-zag up Dollywaggon and on to Nethermost Pike, thence to the summit of Helvellyn. The ascent is done over 6 miles and is mainly a gentle climb with superb distractions invited by surrounding views. The descent is via the 'Whitestone Trail' to Thirlspot.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 3050'
Leaders: Keith Ellard and Ken Parks

'C' Walk
Starts at Ambleside (probably with usual coffee break) and then skirts Loughrigg Fell to Loughrigg Tarn, then follows the path near High Close Youth Hostel to Loughrigg Terrace. A choice will then be made as to whether to skirt Grasmere on the western or eastern side prior to arriving at Grasmere Village. Normally daffodils will be in abundance and thus Wordsworth's verse should be in evidence for all to see.

Distance: 6½ miles
Ascent: Maximum 1000 feet
Leaders: Jan Yabsley, Enid Luty and Angie Symes