Range Walking Club
Sunday 23rd September 1984-North Lake District-Seatoller
The next outing for the walking group is on Sunday, September 23rd in the Borrowdale/Scafell area of the Lake District. The coach will leave school at 8.00 a.m. and we hope to return by 7.00 p.m. The journey time is approximately 2½-3.00 hours. There are toilets available at Seatoller at the start of all walks and at Grange for the 'C' party. The cost of the walk is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you intend to join, and return it to the school by Thursday, 13th September. Details of the walks are given below.

'A' Walk - Scafell Pike
The walk begins at Seatoller Car Park (246138) and continues via Seathwaite, Taylorgill Force and Styhead Tarn (222098). From Styhead Tarn the ascent is completed via the Corridor Route and Lingmell Col. Given favourable weather conditions, the views from the summit of the Pike are extensive. The descent is made via Broad Crag, Ill Crag, Esk Hause (233081), Sprinkling Tarn, Ruddy Gill and Grains Gill to Seathwaite. There then follows a road walk back to Seatoller. This is a long walk and the summit of the Pike is very rough, so it should only be chosen by those who have previously taken part in an FRHSA 'A' walk.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 3000 ft.
Leaders: George Orchard, Tim Taylor and Ian Moody

'B' Walk
The walk starts from the car park at Seatoller and takes the path beside Comb Gill onto Thorneythwaite Fell and climbs through steep, rough terrain Onto the summit of Glaramara (2560 ft.). On a fine day the views over Borrowdale north to Skiddaw and south to Windermere and the Langdale Pikes provide spectacular scenery. Although the walk is steep in places and necessitates boots, the pace will be slow and steady with adequate stops. Depending on conditions, the route from the summit will take in Allen Crags before descending via Grains Gill and Stockley Bridge to Seathwaite and back to Seatoller through the fields. Boots, good waterproof clothing and previous mountain walking experience are advisable for this walk

Distance: approx. 8 miles
Height climbed: approx. 2700 ft.
Leaders: Janet Wright, Aran O'Reilly and Gill Stennett

'C' Walk
The walk will start from Seatoller Car Park and after a very short but steep climb reach a path which is followed past Castle Crag which will probably be the lunch stop. There are magnificent views from Castle Crag over Borrowdale. The path then continues into Grange-in-Borrowdale where a stop will be taken. There are a couple of very pleasant tea shops! The walk then follows the river path back to Seatoller. Depending on the weather the walk could be extended by about a mile. Boots or strong shoes are necessary

Distance: Approx. 5 miles
Leaders: Barbara Craine and Doug Craine