Range Walking Club
Sunday 12th May 1985-Derbyshire-Hartington
The next outing of the walking club is on Sunday 12th May to the Limestone or "White Peak" area of Derbyshire in complete contrast to the Gritstone or "Dark Peak" area in the north of the county. The coach will leave promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we hope to return by 7.00 p.m. Toilets are available at all starting and finishing points. Boots are recommended footwear. Dovedale is a biologists paradise and at this time of year we may expect to see a variety of bird life together with cowslips, orchids, orange tip and the rare brimstone butterfly. The cost of the walks is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the return slip which walk you are likely to join and return to Barbara Craine by Thursday, 2nd May.

'A' Walk
Starting at Waterhouse. we take in both the Manifold Valley and Dovedale. At Thors Cave in the picturesque Manifold the very energetic can scramble up the steep hillside to explore. We continue via Wetton and Alstonefield to the head of Dovedale where the scenery changes dramatically, and we follow the river southwards through the thickly wooded gorge to Thorpe. The two contrasting valleys provide a fine flat walk, to be taken at a steady pace, which we hope will encourage stronger 'B' walkers to try an 'A' walk.

Distance: 12 miles. This can be extended or reduced by 2 miles depending upon the wishes of the party and the time available.
Leaders: John McEvoy and David Lucas

'B' Walk
The walk commences at the hamlet of Ilam, through fields past the famous Izaac Walton hotel to the southern end of the limestone gorge of Dovedale. We walk through the fascinating rock scenery of this extremely beautiful steep-sided valley following the east bank of the river to Milldale. Still following the river, but with a change of scenery we continue northwards through Wolfscote Dale and Beresford Dale to finish the walk at the village of Hartington were there is ample opportunity for refreshment.

Distance: 9 miles
Leaders: Ian Gilmour and Ken Parks

'C' Walk
The party take the same delightful route as the 'B' party as far as Milldale, where light refreshments and toilets are available if required. After a short sharp ascent we finish the walk at Alsop en Le Dale on the Tissington Trail. We anticipate that the coach will then take us on to Hartington for exploration and refreshment.

Distance: 6½ miles
Leaders: Robert and Joyce Blackwell