Range Walking Club
Sunday 17th March 1985-Derbyshire-Castleton
The next walking club outing is on Sunday, 17th March, to the Castleton area of Derbyshire. The coach will leave promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we hope to be back in Formby by 7.00 p.m. It is likely to be wet and muddy underfoot so boots are essential on all walks. There are toilet facilities at Edale and at Castleton at the start of all the walks. The cost of the walks is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to the school by Wednesday, 6th March. Details of the walks are given below.

'A' Walk - The Pennine Way and Kinder Downfall
The walk begins in Edale (124854) and follows the Pennine Way to Kinder Downfall (083888) via Crowdon Head. The walk continues to Kinder Low and Jacob's Ladder and then back to Edale via Upper Booth. From Edale the path to Hollins Cross (136846) is followed and then on to Castleton via Mam Tor (if weather and time permit).

Distance: 10 miles (11½ via Mam Tor)
Ascent: 2400 ft. (2800 ft. via Mam Tor)
Leaders: George Orchard and Julian Hobbs.

'B' Walk
The walk will commence at Castleton (148829) and passing through pleasant farmland ascend to the summit of Lose Hill (153853). We then turn W.S.W. and follow the ridge over Back Tor, Barker Bank to Mam Tor (128836) - known as the "Shivering Mountain" as it is disintegrating rapidly as a result of erosion. This ridge walk offers extensive views of the Peak District on all sides. Leaving Mam Tor we then follow a gradually falling slope for 1.5 miles due South before turning to walk the last 2 miles back to Castleton. This latter stage contains one of the highlights of the day, the final descent being below Peveril Castle through a delightful gorge.

Distance: 8½ miles
Ascent: 1400 ft.
Leaders: Dave Luty, John Yabsley and Chris Symes.

'C' Walk
The walk starts from the car park at the western end of Castleton and turns left along Hollowford Road. At the end of the lane the route takes a path across the fields past Only Grange Farm and then up a steep section to Back Tor. This part of the walk is tough but is the only significant climbing of the day. Having reached the crest the route goes along the ridge, with lovely views (weather permitting) on both sides, to the summit of Mam Tor (1695 ft.). From there we descend to the road and return to Castleton past Windy Knoll Cave (more than 6500 bones of prehistoric animals were uncovered here in 1875, bison, reindeer, wolves, grizzly bears and sabre-toothed tigers. The finds can be seen today in Manchester Museum.) through Winnats Pass and past Speedwell Cavern. The name 'Winnats' is a corruption of 'Windy Gates', from the gale-force winds that often blow through the pass. Boots are essential as the terrain is very muddy and slippery when descending. It is possible to visit Speedwell Cavern or the Blue John Cavern if anyone is interested and there are the usual apportunities before and after the walk for coffee, tea, cakes etc. in Castleton which is also well supplied with gift shops

Distance: Approx. 5 miles
Ascent: 1400 ft.
Leaders: Janet Wright and Barbara Craine