Range Walking Club
Sunday 7th July 1985-Appleby in Westmorland
The next outing for the walking group will be on Sunday, 7th July, to the Northern Pennines in the Appleby area. The original idea was to include Cross Fell which at 2390ft. (893 m) is the highest point of all in the Pennine Range, but from the nearest point accessible by coach it is a long and not very interesting hike to a flat moorland summit. The area we shall visit about six or seven miles to the south of Cross Fell is much more exciting, provides all the views, and includes High Cup Gill, a truly remarkable valley and one of the highlights of the Pennine Way. The coach will leave Range High School promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we expect to be back in Formby by about 8.00 p.m. There will be a short convenience stop at the Tebay service station on the outward journey, after which the coach will proceed through Appleby to the delightful little village of Dufton, where all three walks commence. The cost of the walks is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the return slip which walk you are likely to join and return to Barbara Craine by Thursday, 27th June. If there is no longer a 'contact' at school but you still wish to receive the letters about the walks perhaps you would let Barbara Craine know the name of a new 'contact' or the arrangements made for getting the letter to you.
Map. O.S. Sheet 91. 1 : 50,000 Appleby in Westmorland.

'A' walk
From Dufton village the party will proceed North-east between Dufton Pike 700266 and Blackthwaite Hill 709268, and ascend the valley of Great Runsdale Beck to the top of the escarpment near a mine 7l928l. The route then turns south contouring around Backstone Edge which in good weather provides superb views across the Vale of Eden to the Lake District. This leads round to High Cup Nick, overlooking High Cup Gill. The descent will be via the Pennine Way on the north side of the valley and then through the meadows and woodlands to finish in Appleby.

Distance: 13 miles
Ascent: 1800 ft.
Leader: Ken Lamb

'B' Walk
From Dufton the route is directly east along the Pennine Way, past Bow Hall 702250 and Peeping Hill, to High Cup Nick. This is a very gentle climb of about 1600 ft. with two short steep bits, finishing on the edge of the level band of resistant volcanic rock, which is the cause of this unusual valley. The route continues around the south side, affording splendid views, to Middle Tongue 733242. It then descends to Harbour Flat farm 722232, and the final section is through meadow and woodland to Appleby.

Distance: 9½-10 miles
Ascent: an easy 1600 ft.
Leaders: Patrick Ferguson and Phil Morgan

'C' Walk
Dufton to Appleby. The party will descend into the Vale of Eden by footpaths through farmland and woods, followed by a riverside walk into Appleby. There will be time for exploration of this attractive town which has many old and historic buildings. Toilet and refreshment facilities are also available.

Distance: 7½ miles
Leader: David Guiver