Range Walking Club
Sunday 10th February 1985-Shropshire-Ellesmere
The February walk, which leads us to the Annual "Hot-Pot" Supper, will take place on Sunday, 10th February. The walks are centred on the Ellesmere Lake District, in Shropshire, and the Llangollen Canal which runs through this delightful area. We are anticipating a good turn out of walkers. of all ages, and. hope the weather will be kind to us, to make it a thoroughly enjoyable day. The coach will leave promptly at 8.30 a.m. and we hope to be back in Formby before 8.00 p.m.
Three walks have been arranged as usual. The horizontal distance varies but the vertical distance does not. Any walker who clocks up more than about a hundred feet of climbing during the day will have gone far off the planned routes!! The canal tow path and the old railway track which will be used by the 'A' and 'B'. walks may be very muddy in parts so boots are advisable for all walkers.
Supper has been arranged at Drummonds Food and Wine Bar in Ellesmere. We have been offered three alternative meals and Drummonds would like to know in advance the number of each dish to serve. Please indicate your choice on the attached slip and return it as soon as possible, at the very latest by Monday, 28th January. The cost of the walks will be £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children, and the cost of the meal £2.50 per person exclusive of drinks. It is MOST IMPORTANT that you enter in the boxes on the return slip the dishes required by each member of your party.

All the walks may be followed on sheet 126. of the O.S. 1: 50,000 maps.

'A' Walk

This begins at the 'Narrow Boat', a pub at the point where the A495 Oswestry to Ellesmere road crosses the Llangollen canal (354326) The party will follow the canal path eastwards to (401343) and then do the 'B' walk in reverse.

Distance: 12 miles
Leaders: Patrick Ferguson and Arthur Jones

'B' Walk
This starts in the centre of Ellesmere, and then follows a minor road North-east past The Mere, to a farm track, and then onto a disused railway line at 411359. This is followed for some distance to (437357), at which point: the party moves onto a. minor road leading to Welshampton. From there the B5036 leads to Hampton Bank, where the canal is reached and followed into Ellesmere.

Distance: 8½ miles
Leaders: Phil Morgan and Ken Lamb

'C' Walk
This starts at Bettisfiled (461358) and follows a. disused railway westwards to (453357). From there a minor road leads Southeast for a few hundred yards to the canal path at (456354). The walk then follows the canal for the rest of the way into Ellesmere.

Distance: 6 miles
Leaders: David Guiver and Paul Pugh