Range Walking Club
Sunday 21st April 1985-Lake District-Coniston
The next walking club outing is on Sunday, 21st April, to the Coniston area of the Lake District. Due to school holidays it will be necessary for bookings to be made by Friday, 29th March. The coach will leave promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we hope to be back in Formby by 7.00 p.m. A 'convenience' call will be made at a Motorway Service Station on the outward journey. The cost of the walks has been maintained at £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children, following a decision at the recent A.G.M. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you are likely to join and return it to school by Friday, 29th March. Details of the walks are as follows:
'A' Walk - Dow Crags and Swirl How
A walk taken from Wainwrights Top 18 and with the inclusion of Dow Crag one that gives a splendid high level walk. We alight at Torver and ascend Dow Crag ("Amongst the most delectable and exhilarating Lakeland summits" - Wainwright) and then cross to Brim Fell. We then follow to Swirl How and descend Prison Band. If time allows an ascent of Wetherlam will be included to complete an unusual 'Coniston Round'.

Distance: 10 miles (11 miles including Wetherlam)
Height: 3100' or 3600'
Leaders: Dave Luty and Clive Chislett.

'B' Walk - Blawith, Beacon Tarn, Coniston
A walk in a new area and which includes Beacon Tarn "an unfrequented mini lake, a real gem". Starting at Blawith we ascend Beacon Fell to the tarn, from there we cross Torver Common to Coniston Lake. We then follow lakeside paths which afford fine views all along the lake to Coniston. This is a beautiful walk and forms part of the 'Cumbria Way'.

Distance: 9 miles
Height: 700'
Leaders: Merion Williams and Keith Ellard.

'C' Walk - Sunny Bank - Coniston
Starting some 2 miles or so into the 'B' walk it covers a beautiful part of the area and includes another of the hidden gems of water - a mini lake. Prior to crossing Torver Moor to the lakeside via Torver village we deliberately follow part of the 'B' walk because we consider this walk to be one of the outstanding unfrequented areas of the Lake District.

Distance: 6 miles
Leaders: John and Jan Yabsley