Range Walking Club
Sunday 25th September 1983-Lake District-Shap
The next outing for the walking group is on Sunday, September 25th in the Haweswater region of the Lake District. The coach will leave the school at 8.30 a.m. and we hope to return to Formby by 7.00 p.m. The journey time is approximately 2 hours, and convenience stops will be made. The cost of the walk is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you intend to join, and return it to the school by Thursday, 15th September. Details of the walks are given below.

'A' Walk
Starting at Shap village, we go to Rayside, passing the ruins of Shap Abbey en route. Then follows a short climb through a wooded valley to Tailbert. Having rounded Dog Hill we make for Truss Gap (!) via the shy and beautiful little valley of Swindale. Then we put in a short burst of exercise to ascend Selside Pike (2142') using part of the "Old Corpse Road". A sharpish descent follows to take us to Mosedale Beck, from whence we have a steady climb and short descent to Wet Sleddale Reservoir. Continuing our downwards path, we pass through Keld and return to Shap Village. This is a somewhat undulating walk with 2200' of climbing. Boots are essential as the ground could be heavy if rain precedes our chosen day.
Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 2200'
Leaders: Dave Luty and Chris Syme.

'B' Walk
Follows the 'A' party route as far as Truss Gap. From there we have a short, fairly steep ascent on to the top of Waite Howes. We then out across rolling moorland, to pick up the 'A' party route again above Wet Sleddale reservoir and return through Keld to Shap Village. The walk is undulating, with little climbing involved, but boots are essential.

Distance: 9½ miles
Leaders: John Yabsley and Keith Ellard.

'C' Walk
Starting from Hackthorpe, we walk through the northern end of Lowther Park, passing Lowther Castle, to Askham, where we shall stop for lunch. (Snacks are available at a local Inn, for those who wish to avoid preparing and carrying their own food.) The walk continues in the afternoon through Lowther Park to Whale, returning to Hackthorpe. The walk is on level ground, through delightful parkland scenery.

Distance: 6½ miles
Leaders: Jan Yabeley, Angie Syme and Hazel Ellard.